Part 52

967 7 0

29th March 2021

"that' cute" abi ponting out a dumbo blanket

"yes it is" harry agreed but feeling it "not soft enough"

"how is it not i would sleep on that all day" abi walking thorugh the rest of the shop

"you would sleep on rocks if it might you could sleep all day" harry joked

"but i choose to fall asleep on you lewis" abi giggled

"now that is everything" harry taking a blanket with cars all over it

"but what if we have two girls that isn't going to be right so how about this" abi seeing grey with baby on the bottom right hand corner

"fair play" harry agreed

"is nice enough lewis" passing it to him pressing it to his cheek

"yes it is very nce" harry chuckled back.

"it fits your standards then" abi smirks walking to the tills

"yes just like you do" harry said slipping a little comment in as well just to see her blush

"wanker" abi mumbled in his arm hiding her face

"But you love me"harry said standing in line

"good job i do cos who would" abi said coming back up and harry kissing her cheek


"my hands are freezing" abi said rubbing her hands together for some heat

"they are always cold" harry said taking one in his warm hand

"cold hands warm heart" abi said with a smug smile shoving the other in her coat pocket

"where did you get that from" harry smiled while shaking his head

"my gran says it even though she always has warm hands but yeah" abi explained

"I suppose it is true" harry said knowing full well it is

"can we get food" abi smiles

"there is a kfc other there come on" harry said swerving through the people around centrel london shopping.

"just what i was caving" when they got outside the building

"what can i say i know you like the back of my hand"  opening the door to kfc and abi bending down to go under his arm


"do you know the gender yet" the lady asked

"not until next week" abi putting on a smile to be polite while she is eating her chicken

"your baby will be beautiful" she smiled abi nodding still too bothered about her pop corn chicken

"babies" harry corrected her "we are having twins" abi rolling her eyes because how much he loves telling people that

"that's lovely. well i leave you. congaulations" she smiled walking away wih her own kid with a bargin bucket in hand. abi rolled her eys again

"i swear if i get that anymore uhh your so big. what is it. twins would have never have thought" abi said "well you just said i was big cunt"

"eat your chicken and stop moaning" harry chuckled actually liking it the attention

"fine but soon i am going to be throwing hands to someone who says i have a pregant glow" abi said

"you have a beautiul pregant glow abigail white" harry grins

"i eating my chicken at the moment but don't think you have got away with that lewis" abi smiling back the licking her finger


5th April 2021

"how are we" megan asked who was now abi's official mid wife

"good" abi said then looking at harry next to her who was nodding back

"good good" megan smiled going to sit at her desk opposite the couple "so has there been anything happening"

"no not they we know of" harry said

"okay so gender" she started "do you want me to tell you or be put in a evolpe " megan asked. they both looked at each other

"telling us" abi said and harry nodding

"okay well if you want to get ready and i just need to nip out to get some more gel" she said walking back to the door

"i'm so nervous" abi said squishing harry hand

"you're more nervous than you were then you met my family" harry smiled

"yeah because that wasn't as nerve cracking " abi said getting on the bed then lifting up her shirt

"oh nelly" harry said before kissing her cheek

"i am back" meggan said shutting the door taking a seat in the side chair. "again going to be cold" she warned again but abi wasn't fussed because she knew how cold it was already "okay lets get started" after rubbing the gel on abi's bumb "right okay" she said herself writing it down. harry tried seeing what she was writing but it was too far plus abi hit his thigh slyly. "they are very heathly seem to be growing so that is brilliant" megan said then looking away from the screen "you're for dentant having one boy and maybe a girl but it could be a boy again" she said then smiling back at the pair

"so boy and girl" abi stated

"that what i am pushing to" megan said "i will leave you two" she smiled making her way to the door "i get your photos and then i will see you in two weeks for the due date" she finished before going out the door

"see we could have got one of those car bakets" harry joked

"you still can a baby can have more than one blancket you know" abi said while sitting herself up waiting for the pictures

"i love you" harry said then kissing her cheek

"love you too" abi grinned rubbing his thumb


"so what is it" ruby asked

"in the evlope" harry handed it to her and freezy

"i'm sort of nervous" freezy claps "because these are my niece's or nevus'!

"just open it" abi said

"okay okay"

"hahah you thought" abi smiled as it was a just a gender reveal invation

"that's sneaky" freezy wangers his finger at the two sneering "you two are fuckers"

"shall we see you guys there then" harry waved bring abi ito thier room

Word Count ~ 999

Written On ~ 13/02/2021

Published On ~ 20/02/2021

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