Part 54

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7th Spetember 2021

"two people" abi came storming into the flat "two!" she said showing two fingers to harry as he was going into their room "uhh why why do you have to have old cat ladies come up to you when you're trying to get some fucking ja ja cakes like just fuck off" abi getting out the box

"that more than ja ja cakes" freezy seeing other fod

"one offered to buy somethings" abi shrugged "and she just asked the gender that it so fair play where as the others don't get me started mate" abi opening her ja ja cakes

"you're so moody" freezy laughs

"yeha you try having a two kids in your stomach for 7 months" abi snapped

"the cot is at josh's we are going to get it soon" harry yelled from his room

"why is it their" abi asked

"He orderd it for me" harry answered the jumping over the chair to sit next to abi kissing her cheek

"i am so tired" abi mumbles cuddling into his bicep

"night night" harry tapped her head but then she got up rmemebering his going out in a few minutes

"i'll see you in a bit then" abi said getting out from the dinner table to her room

"bye" harry yelled "love you!"


16th October 2021

"these boots are adorable" abi showingn them to harry

"very" harry agrees then seeing a chelsea foot ball shirt

"no no my kid is not supporting that team it is bad enough have been in a relastionship with one for two years so no" abi said

"don't care" harry stuck his tongue out buy it anyways

"dickhead" abi shaks her head "you don't see me getting a liverpool shirt as soon as i saw it do you"

"because you haven't found it yet""

"err no it is over there mate" abi pointed behind him

"whatever" harry rolled his eyes taking hold of her hand and picking up a liverpool shirt while a bit of his heart chipping away.

"i just wanted the boots" abi struggled happy with getting one. they then went into mother care getting other bits and bobs for the babies


*Barnes means babies btw*

"why to you say barens" harry hearing all the time from when they first went out but never asked why

"i don't know i think my dad used to say it like mary has got a new baren you know across the road" abi sounding more yorkshire "so yeah i guess i got it from there and it stuck my uncle also says it but he lives in north ireland" abi said

"oh well you know i like it baren"

"your need to say it like baren" abi laughed

"baren" harry said it again

"forget it don't ever say that ever again" abi joked

"uhh fine" harry rolled his eyes pulling her in to his side because of the people coming the other way.

Harry thought he should chance the subject from her dad. she does talk about him but will go really quiet after. Or can't talk to someone about cancer for longer then 5 minutes. so harry just changes the subject not liking seeing her upset. It not like she show it but harry knows when she is because how quiet she goes.


24th October 2021

"lewis! read the intrutions. it will help" abi sitting down next to him as he puts up a cot

"the don't make sence though" harry trying to put a part together

"pass it over" abi reaching over him "utter rhubarb"

"love when you say that" harry chuckled actually liking it

"it is look that with that goes like this to make that" abi explained grabing the stuff and dropping them on him "not hard lad"

"it is" laying on his front

"get on with it you cry baby" abi shook her head going to sit

"i am not a cry baby" harry mumbles doing what she just said

"so are" abi giggles folding the new baby clothes

"not" harry snapps actually reading the rules but first getting his glasses "ohh" harry understanding it

"ohhh!" abi copies

"shut up" harry smiled putting the second part together

Word Count ~ 705

Written On ~ 14/02/2021

Published On ~ 21/02/2020

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