Bianca Sukyura - Water Titan Slayer

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Name: Bianca Sukyura

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Name: Bianca Sukyura

Member Of Mermaid Heel

Hair: Aqua Green

Eyes: Aqua Green

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Relative: Scylla (Foster Mother & Titan Mentor)

Relative: Scylla (Foster Mother & Titan Mentor)

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Water Titan Slayer Magic Abilities :

liquid Nitrogen Freeze : Bianca can Freeze anyone or anything instantly.
"Freeze," giving her the ability to freeze anything into ice. Freeze as noted, is vastly versatile. Depending on her usage it can be used to freeze the tissue of their opponents through physical contact or mere command. They can inflict hypothermia, transform opposing elements such as water into her own, while masterful users have even displayed the ability to freeze fire itself. Freeze can also reach such cold temperatures that it is capable of causing items to become extremely brittle and can even shatter them. As one of the most multipurpose spells of Ice Magic, its capabilities are dictated by the ingenuity and skill of the user.

Water Bullets: A Multi-target spell. The user creates multiple pellets of water capable of damaging a single target severely or to hit multiple targets. As the magic power grows, the pellets grow in either size or speed and accuracy, depending on the user's intellect, to the point of either becoming small comets or piercing bullets. After performing a hand sign, numerous water slashes form around the user. The Water upon the target to slashes and wounds them.

Water Titan's Aquas Crush: she gathers magic power in her hand and cover it in ice before swinging it in an arc, striking the target with their fingertips, leaving a trail of ice.

Water Titan's Aquariu Attacker: She gathers magic power in their arms and coats them in ice and slams the target. Alternatively, they can bring their arms down to release a vortex of water.

Water Titan's Claw : Bianca gathers magic to her feet and kick the target and engulfs it in ice, hitting the target with enchanced damage.

Water Titan Tsunami Axel: A violent water forms around the opponent and rips them apart with its destructive, water. The technique takes a toll on her body, and she was left weakened.

Water Titan's Binding Thread : she  launches a web-shaped thread composed of Water towards the target. The web then could be used to capture and restrain the target.

Water Zone: She is able to water everything within a certain radius.

Water Titan's Bio-corrosive: She is bio corrosive she can emit toxic fumes and enit nitrogen gas to weaken opponent.

Legs - Bianca in Titan Form utilizes her massive legs to effortlessly smash through buildings. She is highly maneuverable but in human her legs are strong.

Water Titan Pincer Stab: Bianca slashes her opponents in her Titan Form with her two front legs.

Water Titan Quick Slash: Bianca slashes twice in an X shape with its two front legs. This attack has a longer range.

Water Titan Hellenic Fury: Scylla lunges forward and stabs with several legs. 

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