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|The Kingdom of Fiore.|

A small, peaceful nation of 17 million, and a place filled with magic. Found in every home. Bought and sold in every marketplace for most magic is merely a tool. A mundane part of everyday life. For some, however, magic is an art, and they've devoted their lives to its practice. These are the wizards. Banded together into magical guilds, they ply their skills in search of fame and fortune. Many such guilds dot the landscape of Fiore.

But there's a certain guild in a certain town that sores high above the rest. One from which countless legends have been born. A guild that will no doubt continue to create legends well into the future. Its name is Fairy Tail.

However, they weren't the only ones that knew magic. For long ago, giant monsters roamed the lands. Extremely powerful and intelligent creatures that lived in Earthland alongside mankind. Some even considered them to true rulers of the world and called them the Titans. Some lived in harmony with humans and were worshiped as gods, while others were vile and wanted nothing more than to destroy whatever they saw. And others simply wanted to be left alone.

They were engines of ultimate destructions, but as time went on most of these Titans disappeared. And their existence remained in legends.

But there was one that didn't go away. A Titan considered by many to be an alpha predator that brought balance to nature, magic, and humanity. Some call him Earthland's last line of defense against total annihilation. Some call him an animal that's merely driven by instincts. But all believe him to being a god incarnated.

The King of the Monsters.

His name is...



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