Titan Slayers

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Some are made.

Some are born.

They are both remembered.

Earthland is one world that carries this momentum. Throughout time, there have been names mentioned through history where they are received by many with gratitude, amazement, or simply impression. They are names that are remembered through years upon years across many generations. Ultimately, they are names that are never forgotten.

But what does it take for someone to become a legend?

That is a very good question.

It all depends on what they are or what they have done.

Legends in Earthland all reside on one thing: Ethernano.

Ethernano is a natural energy source that is commonly used by the people who live in this world. It helps them grow. It helps them thrive. It helps them survive. Most people, however, refer to this as Magic.

The use of Magic is what makes people on Earthland Legends, but the common norm that describes a Legend are people who carry a rare form of magic; a Lost Magic.

Magic can do many things, but Lost Magic is a rare sight. It allows users to perform spells that are not seen very well. It gives them abilities that they, and only they, can do. Again, it is a rare sight. More or less, it helps them understand who they really are.

Then there are the rare cases of Lost Magic; the kind of magic where people were taught by beings that once ruled the world, who believed that the only way for their legacy to survive was to pass their knowledge, strength, and power to those they saw were deemed worthy.

These people were known as the Slayers.

It feels ironic for those to be termed by this name, because none of them actually ever 'slayed' their teachers before. Also, and unfortunately, none of them are created equal.

First, there are the Demon Slayers. They are people who were taught of magic by the creatures of Hell. Though they are seen as the weakest by many, none should ever take heed for their incredible potential.

Next, there are the Dragon Slayers. They are people who were taught of magic by the creatures of the skies. In return, they are seen as strong, fast, ferocious, and ultimately, for a select few, unpredictable by many.

Then, there are the God Slayers. They are people who were taught of magic by beings above humanity. Because of their descant, those who gain this power are seen as... evolutionary.

All these beings, all these powerful and dangerous sentient creatures, walked the earth hundreds upon thousands of years ago. From gods to demons, every mortal of their kind wanted to dominate, to show their place in the world of Earthland, and to leave their mark on humanity.

They did just that and earned the role of Legends.


None of these races were capable of creating Order.

Above all Demons...

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