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I definitely did not plan out sixteen oneshots in less than 24 hours for a Reverse Robins universe. Nope. Definitely not.

There is a new girl when Marinette walks into class, one with brown hair pulled into a hairstyle that reminds her of sausages, though her inner Alfred insists that her observation is impolite

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There is a new girl when Marinette walks into class, one with brown hair pulled into a hairstyle that reminds her of sausages, though her inner Alfred insists that her observation is impolite.

Marinette takes her usual seat in the far back, her newly cut hair making her feel just the slightest bit lighter, and that makes all the difference. She reaches into her bag and pulls out a plain black sketchbook, flipping it open to the newest page and idly doodling as she waits for class to begin.

Moments later, the new girl comes up to her, a simpering smile on her face that reminds Marinette of galas, where both men and women alike would approach her and her siblings with that exact smile on their faces before cooing over them in hopes of winning her father's favor.

There was a reason why Marinette always hated galas, and it wasn't because of the venue or the food.

"Hey," The girl says, voice positively dripping with obviously (to her, at least) false sweetness. "What's your name? I'm Lila. Lila Rossi."

Marinette glances away from her pencil, which has formed a sweater that, if knitted with the right kind of yarn, promises many days of comforting warmth in the winter.

"Marinette," She says shortly, eyes already returning to her sketch. Hopefully, Lila gets the idea and backs off.

If she was anything like the people at galas (and so far, she was acting just like them), however, Lila would not take the hint and continue.

Sadly, Marinette's theory was proven right and she suppresses her initial instinct to headbutt the other girl when she leans over into Marinette's personal space, brown sausage-tails skimming her sketchbook pages as she observes Marinette's drawings.

"Those are some really nice designs," Lila's voice grates on her ears. Marinette closes her eyes and tells herself that her family would be very disappointed if she broke their no killing rule over something so trivial. Their exception to that rule was for demons, aliens, and spirits, not transfer students who were most likely Italian, judging by the accent, and got in your personal space. "You know, I know a really great designer-"

"No thanks. I'm not interested," Marinette cuts her off, voice a little sharper than intended. It was a little ridiculous, really, that one measly liar managed to get on her nerves so fast. She might have heard Lila out otherwise, if it weren't for the fact that Marinette had been trained to read body language, albeit not to Cass' level.

And right now, the subtle twitch of Lila's left hand, the way her nose scrunched up a bit and her eyes were just a little too devious to be innocent told Marinette that she was lying.

Those were tells, she knows, because Lila didn't have those when she told Marinette her name.

Lila huffs, but Marinette lifts her head up and turns on the look her family has dubbed the Batglare, which, along with Adrien's entrance into the classroom, successfully dissuades the other girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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