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A/N: This is the last chapter in the first arc of the story. I currently have twelve and a quarter chapters written, so once this story passes the 12-part mark, updates are going to be a loooooot slower because I now have to write more.

Also, the video up there ^^^ is 'The Ash is in Our Clothes' by Sleeping at Last. The music only lasts about four minutes though, so while it was enough for me to get through the chapter, I also read reeeeeally fast. Sorry about that, but it was a really good mood setter.

Edit: turns out, you can't scroll to read and keep it playing at the same time. Whoops. Just open it in a separate tab if you'd like to hear it, I guess.

 Just open it in a separate tab if you'd like to hear it, I guess

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"Bruce is alive."

Marinette sits attentively through Timothy's explanation, which, while a bit odd, is nothing that far out of the ordinary, considering the things the Justice League has fought, the existence of magic, and the Lazarus Pits.

However, everyone else seems to think otherwise, and all of them are convinced that Timothy is having trouble moving on from Father's death. Timothy leaves the room, angry but determined, and Marinette follows.

"What, are you here to tell me how stupid my theory is too?" Timothy grumbles when she slips into his room.

"Actually, I think your theory is very plausible." Marinette says. "You will be searching for Father anyway, with or without everyone's help, will you not? I shall help you pack."

"...Do you want to come with me?" Timothy asks, as Marinette starts rummaging through the mess he calls a room.

She looks at him apologetically. "Richard is swamped with responsibility now that Father is absent, and so is Alfred. Alfred is more or less used to it, but Richard will burn himself out trying to keep the family functional. I must stay to help. I truly am sorry, Timothy. We should keep in contact, but I cannot come with you."

"Okay. That's fine." Timothy mumbles. Marinette doesn't need to look at him to know he is terrified of what comes next, but she also thinks Timothy will need this time to figure himself out, as well as find their father.

"Would you like a hug?" She asks quietly. Marinette has grown to trust Timothy over the last few weeks. She has faith that, unlike her instructors, he will not hurt her, because he is family.

Timothy frowns. "You and Damian both detest hugs."

Marinette's lips quirk upwards. "You are family. Family is an exception."

Timothy's arms wrap around her, and Marinette returns the gesture, somewhat awkwardly. Hugs are kind of nice, she supposes, but only from the right people.

Timothy leaves two days later to pursue the trail Father has left throughout history.

Marinette churns out design after design after design, creating a whole new wardrobe for herself, Damian, and numerous clothing items for Richard too, who is looking more and more exhausted by the day. Damian also expresses his concerns for the man's health, but Richard always waves it off.

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