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Me? Writing a new chapter after two months? Yep.

The ending feels kind of rushed (to me, at least) but I really needed it to happen in order to move the story on. o_0

On the plus side, we get more Marijon content! Yay!

As usual, click the video for mood-setting music if you wish.

Going home for the holidays had been both a blessing and a curse

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Going home for the holidays had been both a blessing and a curse.

One one hand, Marinette got the opportunity to spend time with her siblings and best friend. On another, being back in the city of darkness definitely took its toll on her mind.

After returning to Paris, she'd wake up night after night with flashes of acid green water, emerald eyes and auburn hair, the flick of a whip, the sound of a sword cutting through her brother's body, Heretic's head rolling once, twice, three times before coming to a stop.

Gotham made her happy and simultaneously ruined her, dredging up all the bad memories as well as the good ones.

On the tenth night back, after being woken up by her own screams yet again, she gets out of bed instead of trying to go back to sleep. It would be a fruitless effort, anyway.

Tikki looks at her sadly from her perch on the bed that Marinette made her, and she feels a small pang of guilt for keeping the kwami from a good night's sleep as well.

"I would like to go for a rooftop run," She informs Tikki. "Would that be alright with you?"

The kwami nods, and she whispers her transformation words before slipping out onto the roof and leaping off, opting to test her physical limits rather than use her yoyo.

Her steps are featherlight, nearly silent, and wind rushes past her face as she runs and jumps and rolls, navigating the rooftops with ease and familiarity that can only come from continued patrol of the area.

She thinks she's being quiet, but apparently that's not enough.

A whoosh of air and a blur of red and blue stops her in her tracks as Superboy, the second one, lands in front of her.

"I could hear you from Metropolis," He quietly informs her, his blue eyes filled with an emotion that makes her want to cry and raises her hackles at the same time, because she does not need anyone to feel pity for her. She decides to stifle both those emotions. There is no need to bother Jon-El with either.

Ladybug cracks a small smile at the sight of her friend, not that he can see it (or can he? It depends on whether or not he's using x-ray vision) through the mask. "My heartbeat? It is rather difficult to control one's heartbeat while exercising, you know."

"No. Your screams," Jon-El says, and that tiny smile drops off her face. "Mari... Do you want to talk about it?"

"Code names," Ladybug reminds him, but it's half-hearted. She sits down on the roof, legs swinging over the edge, and Superboy follows her lead, doing the same.

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