Grim levitated across the dead, ash gray ground. Purgatory was only a second hell to him. With its dead, sullen trees and its dull, melancholy atmosphere, it was enough to turn even the purest of souls to nothing but bitter as coffee with no cream or sugar. He was what was called a Reaper; he guided souls to the afterlife, whether it was to Heaven, Hell, or even Purgatory. Now he had another mission, handed to him by the two most famous rulers of the afterlife.
He approached the table, which seated the sinister Lucifer, and the kind hearted, responsible Lord.
"I heard you have another task for me." Grim began.
Lucifer would take a glance at the Grim Reaper. The goat-like ruler leaned back in his chair, propping his hooves up onto the wooden table.
"A soul who we do not know the place for. She will be dead in three days, and we require your assistance with finding out where she will go."
The Reaper stared at him in disbelief.
"Three days? That's not-"
"Nearly enough time.", The Lord cut him off, "We understand, Grim, but this is urgent. If you cannot save her, she will have to prove her place through Limbo, and we cannot allow that for someone as young as herself."
"It's physically impossible." Grim pointed out.
"Perhaps I could help out. After all, she may find her place in Hell. I know every sin and wrong thing she has done, so it is only fit she goes to---"
"Heaven.", The Lord interrupted, "She has learned to forgive, and accepts what she has done in the past is wrong and has apologized for it."
"How does that change it?" Lucifer snapped.
"Oh spare me, Lucifer. Hell is no place for a child, and it already has plenty of suffering souls. It's overpopulated, for Eden's sake!" God complained.
"So is your pathetic, all positive anti-Hell." Lucifer argued.
Grim slammed the end of his scythe onto the table, practically piercing a hole through it.
"I am the one who guides these lost souls to where they belong. That means she goes where I decide she is worthy to go!" Grim roared.
"No wonder you two haven't found out where she will live for her afterlife. You can't get along, and keep arguing!"
The two rulers went silent. Grim silently pinched his temple.
"Her name?"
"Allison Grace, also known as Ally." One of them replied.
"Ten, and turning Eleven."
Grim frowned, a bitter taste forming in his mouth. He hated when they had to die so young; they had so much in their life they still had to do.
"Preferred cause of death?"
"I thought you decide how they-"
"My patience with you two is already extremely low. Now tell me their cause of death you would prefer."
They both went silent, Grim's eyes practically burning holes in their heads as he looked at the two.
"Succumbing to her injuries?" Lucifer suggested. The Lord was about to argue, but instead nodded to just get it over with.
"St. Heron's Hospital For Dying Children, Michigan. Room 501."
Grim sighed, nodding in response.
"Well. . May we meet again after this is all over."
And, with that being said, he floated off. Leaving the two on their own.
''||Running In Limbo.||''
Spiritual"Grim, where are we?" The ground was cold, coated thickly with dead grass, practically burned to a crisp. The trees around him were all dead, yet on them grew leaves just as dark as their bark. ". . Dear child, where we are is not a safe place." "Wh...