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not me thinking i posted this a week ago but didn't umm

art by bbypigeonxx
if you would like to give me art to put in the beginning of chapters i will be making a discord server eventually so you'll be welcome to join and share it with me :) i'll give you credit on for any platform you'd like

art by bbypigeonxx if you would like to give me art to put in the beginning of chapters i will be making a discord server eventually so you'll be welcome to join and share it with me  :) i'll give you credit on for any platform you'd like

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|| y/n's pov

after eating an amazingly cooked grilled cheese, techno showed me around his house since i'd be staying for awhile. afterwards we hung around his living room and watched random movies, too tired to really do anything else.

we briefly talked about plans for my stay before deciding to go to bed again. i got off the couch and stretched as techno left the room. he came back with a blanket and pillow and began to create a makeshift bed on the couch.

"i'll sleep out here. you can sleep in my room." techno explained.

"what? no! that's not fair to you." i protested. "this is your house."

"you're the guest." techno gave me a smile knowing he won that argument. "just allow me to give you a good place to rest for the next few days at least. please?"

i sighed. "now you're making me feel bad for saying no. fine. but only for a few days...maybe."

techno rolled his eyes. he was satisfied with his temporary victory. "welp. off to bed i guess."

"uh yeah. goodnight techno." i gave a small, awkward wave before going back to techno's room.

i felt awkward as i stood in the doorway looking at the bed i was to sleep in. i mean yeah i had already slept in it but this time around i was aware. i shook my head for being dramatic. those thoughts didn't make any sense. i forced myself into bed and easily got comfy.


a bark jolted me awake. i opened my eyes only to squint them as i was blinded by the sunlight that managed to sneak its way through the blinds. i yawned and stretched as i sat up. i sat there for a minute and stared at the covers that rested over my legs.

i eventually decided i was bored of staring at the blanket and got up. i proceeded to fix the bed some and my messy hair before going out to see if techno was up. sure enough he was resting on the couch with the tv on while he stared at his phone. his hair was still slightly messy which made me chuckle a little.

i meekly approached the couch hoping i wouldn't catch him too off guard. "um good morning."

his head snapped in my direction, "oh hey. how'd you sleep?"

he turned off his phone then turned to face me. i sat on the arm rest of the couch and glanced at the tv. "good. what about you? did sleeping on the couch bother you at all? i still feel bad."

"i'm perfectly fine with sleeping on the couch. you're the guest." he rolled his eyes.

"you're avoiding my question." i narrowed my eyes in attempt to maybe scare an answer out of him.

"i sleep perfectly." techno said smugly making me huff out in annoyance. techno stood up and stretched. "hmm so what would you like for breakfast?"

"uhh dunno." i looked down in thought. "what do you have in mind?"

"hmm well if you'd like we can go back to that cafe you chickened out on." techno gave me an amused smile.

i felt my face redden. "that's irrelevant."

he let out a quick laugh. "go get ready. bathroom's all yours."


"ya ready?" techno called to me as i finished fixing my hair.

"yup!" i shouted back and left the bathroom. i met back with techno in the living room to see he was also ready for the day.

how he did that with me hogging the bathroom i had no clue. i assumed there was more to the small house i hadn't seen. techno grabbed the keys that were on the coffee table and lead the way to the door. he opened it and gestured for me to go first. he locked the door behind us before we headed to his car.

the drive wasn't nearly as long as i thought it'd be. i looked around at all the scenery i had missed because of my nap. i think techno noticed because not a word was said. it was a comfortable silence though with the radio playing crummy pop songs to fill in the lack of conversation.

we got our booth in the back corner of the cute restaurant. i admired the framed art pieces that were strung on the walls. techno handed me my menu after we took a seat. i carefully read over the items to plan out what to say when the time came. once i made up my mind i drifted off into my own thoughts as i stared out the window next to our table.

"soooo um the poll results are in." techno informed.

i quickly turned my attention over to techno. "oh what won?"

"everyone would like to see you attempt hardcore with the steering wheel." techno had a small smile tug at the corner of his lips.

"what's that face for?" i inquired.

"oh nothing i just think this could be entertaining."

i scoffed. "what? you don't think i can do it?"

"well i didn't say that."

"but you thought it."

"mmm maybe..."

i couldn't help but help but laugh. i heard a quiet laugh come from techno as well. our waitress then returned to our table.

"hello. do you two know what you would like?" she asked, notepad ready.

"uh yes um i'll get the buttermilk pancakes with a water." techno ordered. "no syrup or anything."

the waitress nodded as she scribbled down the request. she then turned to me. "oh um i'll just get (your choice of breakfast food.)"

"sure! i'll get that right out." she gave us a smile before retreating back into the kitchen.

"so when are we setting up for the steering wheel thing." i asked as i messed around with the sugar packets that were at our table.

techno watched my hands as he talked. "uh i was thinking when we get back to the house just because we don't really have anything else planned. how do you wanna record it?"

"hmm a stream could be fun. i could stream it on twitch if you're comfortable enough. we can set up the camera so our faces aren't in it." i offered.

"yeah that could work. we'd have to test all this out before we give it a go though." techno warned.

"of course of course." i nodded in agreement.

"sounds like we got a plan then."

|| word count: 1126 :)

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