Chapter 4

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He stares me right in the eyes and says,
"Ok so I know it's only been like 2 days we have known each other but I really like you and I was wondering if you wanted to go out like boyfriend and girlfriend?" He says puffing his chest. I sit there shocked yet happy.
"Yea sure." I try to play it cool but I'm jumping up and down inside. I'm so happy!

Next day

I walk into school and I see Kyle. Things aren't really Awkward between us surprisingly. He walked up to me and put his arm around me and walked me to my locker. I felt so safe.
Oh no here comes Tyler, I try to hide my face, but he still sees me. He also sees Kyle's arm around me. oh shit. he walks past me glaring, but not in a mad way, in a longing way.
"Oh hey guess what."
"I tried out for the football team and i made it, im captain of the football team!"
"Wow that's great." I think that must be why everyone is looking at me like they are jelous. I just walk down the hall in pride. We stop at my locker to get my books for class. I look at him and smile. he walks me to class.
"Bye." I say walking into my class.
"Cya at lunch." he winks. I start smiling as I walk to my seat. I look around and see the teacher walk in. I lay my head on my desk while the teacher tells us math stuff.

2nd period.

I walk to class thinking oh no I have Tyler in this class. something grabs my arm and pull me towards them.
"Hey. we need to talk." Tyler looks at me with soft eyes.

"Tyler, just leave me alone, please." I beg

"Please just hear me out."

I Sigh. "What?"

"Ok I realized i need you in my life, Because seeing you with Kyle tore me apart. I will change, i'll do anything for you back, please, I love you." He pleads. I look away with tears in my eyes.

"No I cant live with you beating me."

"I wont i promise, I changed." He pulls me into his arms, and holds me, it reminds me off old times when he was nice, and sweet. NO snap out of it Kelsey! I push tyler away.

"No, I-i just cant go back, I love kyle now you had your chance, and you messed it up." I say with tears rolling down my face. He looks at me angerly. Oh no. He grabs me and holds me in a tight grip. And whispers you really should have said yes. I cry harder, and struggle to get out of his grip. My vision is blurry, but i still see Kyle out of the cornner of my eye. I also see people gathered around me. I fall to the ground hoping that he will let go. Kyle comes over running. He trys to get me free. It doesnt work, so he looks at tyler straight into his eyes. Tyler lets go and runs, because he doesnt want to get hurt. I fall to the ground crying. I feel a sharp pain in my head. I can only see black. I wake up in a hospital, and see Kyle holding my hand crying. I hear him whisper,

"Baby please, dont leave me, I love you to much to lose you." He whispers.

"I love you too." I say. He looks up so fast that he could have gotten whipelash. His eyes widen. He get up and huggs me, and kisses me.

"I thought you were going to die!" He says" I shake my head. He sits down holding my hand.

"You have been out for 2 weeks."

"How did i get in here?" I say curiously.

"Tyler." He says clenching his teeth getting angry.

"Wha-what did he do." I say worried.

"He hit you with a crobar on the head." He says holding back tears trying to look strong. I sit up and touch his lips with mine, And look him in the eyes.

"What did you do to him." I say Sighing. He looks at me in a guilty way.

"I couldnt help it, But lets just say he's in the room across from us." I look in his eyes with a spark in mine. I smile and give him the he deserved it look. I lay my head down and close my eyes. He kisses my cheek and says i'll be here when you wake up. I am so happy for Kyle. I hear the door open and close. I open my eyes to see how it is. Its gage. Gage sees Kyle, and walks over to the other side of me. i pretend im asleep. He grabs my other hand and lowers his head. Kyle just stares at him like hes gonna say something, but doesnt. I feel a not slip into my hand.

Later that day when everyone was gone.

I read the note and it says:

Dear Kelsey,

I've loved you ever since i was 10, and i still love you to this day. I would really like to be your boyfriend, but your dating Kyle, so i guess you have to choose, me or him.

I sit there shocked. I have to choose, who does he think he is to make me choose! Ugh what am i going to do! I stress out. I fold the note up and tuck it away.

Time to get out of the hospital, finally. Gage, Kyle and of corse my parents are there. I stand up and fall. Shit what just happened, why can't i stand! Kyle and gage set me on the bed. I try again and try to balance myself. I try walking. I walk to get my bag without falling. i change and sneek out so i don't have to see gage or Kyle. I still havn't decided. I sit on a park bench. Someone puts their hands on my sholders. I look back and see Gage. This was always the place I would come to think and he knows.

"So have you decided?"

"Yea." I say while he sits down next to me and wraps me in his embrase, and kisses me on the forehead.

"Who do you pick?" He says calmly.

"I Pick..."

Authors Note~ Ok now the rest of the story is in your hands. You pick Team Kylse (Kyle And Kelsey), Or team Galey (Gage And Kelsey)? Comment which one you want Kelsey to be with. Thank You.

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