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3 pm

(K) *looks at clock* I need to go guys

(T) why kyoya?

(K) tamiki we need to pick up our kids from school

(A) yeah he's right elementary let's out now

(Kh) we need to go pick up igarashi

(K) igarashi is in middle school that doesn't let out until four

(A) oh yeah

(K) I'll see you guys later

(Ho) were coming to

(M) we need to pick up Nagisa from kindergarten

(K) alright

- elementary-

(N) *holding hanakos hand*

(H) daddy

(K) hey sweetie is this Nagisa?

(H) yes the teacher told me to walk with Nagisa

(K) your dad's should be here soon Nagisa

(N) ok

(M) hello son

(N) daddies

(Ho) hanako was watching Nagisa?

(K) the teacher had her stay with him

(Ab) where's my dadda? Momma?

(K) abby I though your mom was picking you up

(P) she hasn't picked up the phone mr.ootori

(K) I'll call her father

(P) thank you abby go with mr.ootori and his daughter

(Ab) ok

(K) *calling tamiki*

(T) yes kyoya?

(K) where's vivian?

(T) isn't she at the school

(K) no the principle called her a few times but she didn't pick up the phone and she hasn't been here to get abby

(T) can you take her home try knocking on the door to see if she'll answer

(K) yes I'll head there now mori and honey were here picking up Nagisa so they told me they will come with me

(T) alright thank you *ends call*

(K) abby you will be coming with us will be taking you home

(Ab) ok

- tamikis house -

(K) *knocking on door* vivian? Vivian are you home?

(Ho) her car is here

(Ab) momma?

(M) does he have a hidden key?

(K) I forgot he gave me a key to his house *flips through keys and unlocks door* vivian

(Ab) momma

(M) Is she upstairs?

(K) I don't know go check

(M) *walks upstairs*

(K) honey stay with abby and hanako

(Ho) ok where's hanako?

(K) *looks around* she wondered off, hanako


(K) *runs in room* hanako vivian

(M) is she alright?

(K) *shakes vivian* vivian are you alright? Can you hear us? Vivian?

(M) she's not waking up

(K) honey call an ambulance! Mori call tamiki!

(Ho) *dials number* hello we are at 017....our friends wife isn't waking up she's not asleep she's unresponsive

(M) *calling tamiki*

(T) yes mori

(M) something is wrong with vivian

(T) what happened?

(M) honey called an ambulance she's not ok she's unresponsive kyoya has tried waking her up but she hasn't EMT will be here soon

(T) I'm almost home

(M) ok

(E) *placing vivian on stretcher* she's suffered a stroke but she will make it where is her husband?

(T) I'm right here *running in room*

(E) were taking your wife to the hospital she suffered a stroke but she will be alright so please come with us

(T) alright kyoya she may need to stay the night there so please take my kids to your house for a sleepover tell them things will be ok

(K) ok it

(Ab) bye dadda

(T) I'll be home soon abby *kisses forehead* be good

(Ab) I will daddy

(K) see you later

(T) thank you for helping kyoya

(K) no problem

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