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Bucky POV

"Repeat what I just said."

Tony stares at the kid expectantly, crouched behind the trees with the rest of us. A huge fortress looms in the distance, a medieval looking building made from dull grey rock. Two turrets reach for the sky on opposite sides of the hulking structure, dotted with soldiers, mere specks from this far away.

"Stay back and concentrate on webbing up the guns on the roof. Don't get in the way." Peter sighs, pulling his mask down over his head, covering his face.

"And?" Demands Tony.

"Don't get close enough for hand to hand combat."

"Don't get close enough for hand to hand combat." Stark nods in reluctant approval. The worry is clear on his face, as much as he tries to hide it.

If it was up to me, the kid would be back home in New York. This is not the type of situation you want to be learning on the job.

"But Mr. Stark, maybe I could..."

Tony spins round, marching right up to Peter, who cowers back slightly. The man in the iron suit studies the boy's figure for a second, before huffing and pulling off his mask.

"No. It's as simple as that." He says, staring directly into the poor kid's eyes. "No spiderling heroics. No 'but Mr Stark's. You stick to the plan or you go home, the choice is yours."

Peter ducks his head in both submission and embarrassment. "Y.. yes sir."

Tony sighs, eyes on the heavens, before turning back to the kid and handing him his mask.

"You're gonna do great."

I turn my attention to Steve who settles on the ground beside me, face serious. We both peer out from the little swathe of trees obscuring our position from the Hydra base, staring up at the hulking monument. Natasha, Clint, Banner and Sergeant Rhodes crouch further back, making last minute adjustments to weapons.

I grip my gun tighter, metal finger on the trigger. This had better work.

"It's going to be fine Buck." Steve says from beside me as if reading my mind. His hand clamps reassuringly over my shoulder before the super soldier turns to address the whole group.

"Is everyone clear on the plan?"

I watch as multiple heads nod, a jittering apprehension in the air.

"Then let's go kick some Hydra ass."

"Language." Smirks Tony.



People rush around me, barging and shoving in an attempt to get where they need to be. The building shakes as it's barraged with missiles, each explosion sending a shock wave through the already panicked bodies rushing around me.

Forcing myself to take deep breaths, I break away from the main hallway which runs the length of the base, instead ducking down a narrow hall that ends in a set of stairs.

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