Forty one

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"There are landmines around us right now. Don't take another step in any direction."

I can feel the small tremors of panic radiate from the group at my words, though none of them will admit to it.

"Nyx, how do you know?" It's Tony's voice now.

"Look at the trees around you." I whisper, my eyes darting in search of any kind of movement from both the team and otherwise. "You see those marks near the bottoms? They're warnings that there's a line of mines somewhere near here."

Everyone is silent for a moment as they glance frantically around, trying to spot the gashes. Meanwhile, I struggle to take deep breathes, forcing myself to calm down and think.

"Is there any way to know where the bombs are?" Tony asks, the words slightly dulled by the sound of the rockets on his feet as he flies over to my position and hovers carefully above the ground. The golden face of his suit retreats over his head to reveal two chocolate orbs.

"There should be three slashes in a row then another one slanting in the opposite direction, that's where they will begin. After that, they could be anywhere."

I should've realised earlier that there would be a trap like this surrounding the base; Aaron Ilenova developed this method himself. It's clever really - Trained men will know what to look for, but to the untrained eye the danger is invisible.

Tony sighs, narrowing his eyes at the jungle around us. There's a horrible, smothering stillness that snakes through the trees behind us, swallowing up noise and pressing a lingering feel of dread upon us as we stand frozen in place. Another thought pops into my head, provoked by Stark's previous question.

"Is anyone past The fourth mark?"

There's a long pause as I glance around me, straining to try and see as many peoples' positions as possible.


"I am."

The voice is Clint's.

"Alright. That's ok." I reassure myself more than him. Some strange guilt seeps into my stomach despite the fact that I didn't want to do this mission in the first place. "Don't move, not even backwards. There could be a mine anywhere around you."

I glance briefly up at Tony, who still hovers next to me, a grim determination on his face.

"Stark is going to come and get you, stay exactly where you are." My finger slips from the earpiece so I can address only Tony. "Lift him straight up, and do it fast. They should be pressure triggered, so if he's stood on one it will detonate as soon as he shifts his weight."

Iron man nods at me, his usual self confident smile no where to be seen. And then his mask is down again and he's rocketing further up the line and out if sight.

In the silence that follows, Bucky's anxious gaze catches mine, our eyes glued to each other's, too scared to blink. The seconds tick on and I see the helpless expectancy of a sudden bang mirrored in his gaze, his figure just as tense as mine.

The seconds tick on - still no noise.

My heart pulses impossibly loudly in my chest, each beat sending a shock of adrenaline through my veins as it sounds scarily like a mine detonating.

Swallowing, I clench my hands at my sides.

Come on. Come on. Get him out.

Bucky gazes steadily back at me.

"We're clear."

The ghosts we hide (Winter Soldier x OC)Where stories live. Discover now