Chapter One

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TW;; parental abuse, implied self - harm mentions, arguments between parents, eating issues


Nick woke up to the sound of yelling, again. It was no suprise at this point. The rest of the village had believed the royal family were role models, believed they were perfect, but thats only what his parents had wanted everyone to see. In reality, his father was an asshole. He was constantly yelling at Nick's mother, and even Nick, himself, as well as a lot of other things.


His father had shouted up to him, Nick had always hated his name, and much preffered the shortened version, but his father had to have things perfect. None the less, he did not want to make this man even angrier than he seemed, so he quickly got dressed and ran downstairs.
"I've told you, you have to be on time. not late, not early, directly on time! Why do you never listen to me? You're my only son, I just want to make sure you're perfect."
"I'm sorry, father. It won't happen again."
"It better not," his father said, venom laced in his words.

Nick had went to grab a slice of toast, before noticing his father darting knives into the side of his head, quickly putting it back on the plate.
"Good boy, you know you're not supposed to eat yet. You still need to lose weight."
"Yes, father. Sorry, father." Nick had replied, staring down at his shoes. "May I ask why I'm here?"
He heard his father let out an annoyed sigh, "We spoke about this, Nicholas. A few ladies are coming round, and you're going to pick one to be your suitor, understand?"
"Yes, sorry, I must of forgot."
"Good, now go get ready. Your mother and I need to have a talk."
Nick just nodded and left as quickly as he arrived, running back upstairs and closing his door. Even with the door shut, he still heard the muffled arguments of his parents a few floors below him. He was so tired of it, of the arguing, and of his father in general. He wanted it all to end, he wanted it all to stop. So he used his only coping mechanism at that moment in time, and grabbed a dagger from his bedside table.

After he had finished doing what he had to to calm down, he bandaged his arm up, and laid down on his bed, closing his eyes. Eventually falling asleep.

Nick bolted awake as he heard his name, looking up at his father standing over him, "WHY ARE YOU STILL IN BED? LORD HELP ME, I TRY TO DO SOMETHING GOOD AND HELP YOU FIND A WIFE, AND YOU CONTINUE YOU BEING LAZY? GET UP, AND HURRY UP." With that, his father left the room, slamming Nick's door on the way out.
"Fuck this," he said to no one except himself as he grabbed a bag from under his bed, stuffing some spare clothes into it. He grabbed the sword and axe he had hanging up on his wall, holding the axe in one hand and attaching the sword to his belt. While doing this, he grabbed a lighter and shoved it into his pocket. Also grabbing a black face mask and quickly putting it on. He looked around his room one last time. "I'll miss this place, well, kinda.." he shrugged before opening his window, and jumping off onto a tree. From there, he continued jumping from tree to tree, finally reaching the end of the garden that surrounded the castle. He looked back, once he left, he couldn't go back. This was his last chance. "I can do this." He said to himself, as he took in a deep breath, and jumped over the fence.


He had been out for quite a few hours at this point, and was enjoying himself. He had fun outside, no one was bothering him, and no one could stop him from doing what he wanted.

He had visited a few villages and managed to get some bread, which he had a feeling he might need later on. He ended up in a jungle biome, and decided to sit against a tree. He was happy, and figured he'd be safe, so he ended up falling asleep.

And then, night arrived.

Nick was shot awake by a sudden sharp pain in his side, he looked down and noticed an arrow, "SHIT I FORGOT ABOUT THE MOBS -" he screamed as more skeletons surrounded him, continuing to fire at him, "fuck fuck fuck -" he grabbed his backpack, and jumped up, running. He didn't know where, he was just running. Hopefully he's find a village and they could help him and -


He was shot. Again. And he was now bleeding out, and not too slowly, either. "FUCK," he screamed as he limped away. After what seemed like an hour of searching, he found a house. The mobs were still close after him, and at this point, he was in very bad condition. When he got to the house, he just violently knocked on the door.
"Hello..? oh - oH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY?" A light brown haired boy asked him, "Of course you're not, you were shot by skeletons! Quick, come in!" The boy quickly opened the door fully and helped Nick sit inside on the couch before grabbing some healing potions, "Here, drink these,"

Nick just nodded as he downed a bottle of the strange liquid, "God, that tastes gross," he laughed quietly before coughing,
"If you don't mind me asking, why are you out at this time of night? I mean, without any armour? Did something happen?"
"Oh, uh, I fell asleep under a tree, and woke up to being shot at.. haha.."
"Oh, okay. OH! My names George, by the way!" He said with a huge grin, "Whats yours?"
"Oh uh, I don't want to reveal my name just yet.. but I go by Sapnap,"
"Sapnap is a cool name!" George smiled, "Hey, so, whereabouts do you live? Maybe I take you back in the morning?"
"Oh, that's nice of you, but I kind of ran away. My home life is .. pretty fucking shit to be honest," He laughed to himself to make the situation not seem so dark, "That's why I was asleep under a tree, I haven't got anywhere to stay at the moment, so I'm just kinda walking around."
"Oh, hey, how about you stay with us for a few nights? You were badly injured by those mobs so it'll take a few days to get back on your feet completely again anyway."
"That's extremely kind of you, really! But I couldn't, I'll be fine." Nick smiled softly,
"Please, Sapnap. Just until you're okay again. I'm sure we'll all get along," George smiled back,
"Uh.. Okay, just let me know if I'm too much though, okay? And, who's the other person?" He tilted his head slightly, it was just a habit.

Then, just as on cue, a tall blonde boy walked in. He had a green hoodie, and a mask covering most of his facial features, except his mouth. "Me, I suppose," His sudden appearance made Nick jump slightly, which caused both the masked boy and George to laugh. "My names Dream. Anyway, George, who the fuck is this?"
"Dream, this is Sapnap. He was badly injured, so I said he could stay with us for a few days, at least. Just until he heals up. You okay with that?"
"I mean, not really but I don't really have a choice, do I?"
"Nope!" George grinned, and Dream just sighed. Sapnap felt awkward, clearly this Dream guy didn't want him there, "I can leave, I really don't mi -"
"No, you're staying. And Dream will have to get used to it."
Dream just rolled his eyes, "Whatever, I'm going back to bed. Night, George."
"Night, Dream!" He replied, and as soon as Dream was out of earshot, he turned back to Sapnap, "Don't worry about him. He's not too good with new people. If he seems 'suspicious' of you or anything, just leave it. He doesn't trust anyone. But thats just Dream," George shrugged. Nick just nodded in response.


A little while later, Nick had drank quite a few healing potions, and George had already bandaged up his injuries on his waist and right knee. "Okay," George said, "I'm gonna let you sleep in my bed tonight, got it?"
"What? No - No I can't do that! I owe you enough for just taking care of me for a few hours,"
"It's more comfortable up there. It'll be easier to rest."
Nick sighed, he knew he wasn't winning this argument, "Fine.."
George just smiled triumphantly and led Sapnap up to his room, helping him to the bed. "There, now get some sleep. Good night, Sapnap!"
"Good night, george. And thank you, for everything." He yawned slightly as he finished the sentence,
"Of course. Now, get some sleep."



words (minus a/n): 1,504
words (total): 1,597

hello! this is the first fanfic i've written, and i struggled a lot writing this one. i dealt with a lot of writers block, so it may not be great, but hopefully some people find this and like it! i said this in the description, but in case nobody saw it, this book is majorly inspired by @VonCorpse 's book 'Crossing Paths',, so you should read that too!! okay, thats all, i dont know how to end this so uh,, bye bye :,D

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