Chapter Three

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TW;; Panic Attack


Dream walked into the house, it was late at night so expected George to be asleep, and thought Sapnap would be asleep in George's bed like the night before. He didn't even bother to check the living room, and just walked straight up to his room. He opened the door and saw someone laying in his bed, as he walked closer, he realised who it was. "Fucking hell, seriously?" He quietly muttered to himself.

As much as he hated to admit it, he found the sleeping boy cute. He took one last look at him, and just sighed. At least he looked comfortable. "Whatever, I'll just read, i guess." He said to once again no one except himself as he got a book from his shelf and sat in a chair in his room.


A few hours later, Nick awoke. He rubbed his eyes and looked around the room, noticing the masked boy staring at him. "I - I'm sorry for sleeping in your bed it's just that George made me and you know George you can't convince him to do change his mind and -"
"Woah, okay, calm down, dude," Dream laughed, "It's cool. Don't worry about it. You were sleeping talking though,"
"Oh fuck uhm - do you know what I said?" The smaller boy asked, his face already red as he remembered the dream he had the night before.
"I couldn't make it out, but it seemed like thats a good thing?"
"Yeah, heh,"
"By the way, you're cute when you sleep." Dream told him, smirking slightly.
"Uh - uhm - huh - I think you have the wrong person, sir,"
"And your morning voice is hot." Dream just got up and left the room after saying that, leaving Nick to question everything that just happened, while also blushing more than he thought was humanly possible.


"Morning, Dream!" George grinned at the taller boy as he walked into the living room.
"George. Why did I come home last night to a certain person in my bed?"
"Oh, well he didn't wanna sleep in my room soo,"
"That doesn't mean - oh whatever. Have you made breakfast?" To that, George nodded in response and Dream walked into the kitchen grabbing two slices of already buttered toast, "After I've eaten, I'm going the fuck to bed. Please do not wake me up,"
"I won't, is Sapnap still up there anyway?"
"Yeah, he's probably getting ready or something."
"Okay, well, I'll be going out to the villages later, I probably won't take Sapnap so you guys might be alone together for a while. So all I ask is one thing, do not make it awkward between the two of you."
"I will most likely be asleep, it'll be fine."
"Okay," George just sighed.

A few minutes later, the younger boy walked down stairs into the living room with the other two. "Morning, guys,"
"Hey Sapnap! Just so you know, I'll be going out later, and Dream's probably going to sleep, so you'll basically have the house to yourself."
"Oh, okay. Cool," he smiled at George, who gave a smile in return.


About an hour later, Dream had already gone to bed, and George was about to leave. "Have fun, Sapnap. Bye bye!"
"Cya!" He waved as George shut the door behind himself.

Nick was sat in the living room alone, there wasn't really much to do, so he just drew on some paper. The first drawing was of him running from the castle, the second one was of George, Dream, and him, and the third one was just of Dream.

While finishing off the drawing of Dream, he heard a voice behind him, "Is that me?"
"dREAM - uhm, I was just going to .. uh .. draw one of .. everyone?"
"Sure thing, cutie,"
Nick's eyes widened as he just stared at the taller boy, "Fuck you.."
Dream snickered, "Hey, stand here for a moment," He asked Nick, pointing to the wall.
"Uh, okay?" He did as asked, thinking it would be something important.

When out of no where, a hand was next to the side of the shorter boys head, and Dream was towering over him. This caused Nick to go bright red, "Uh - hi?" He managed to sputter out, his voice slightly shaken.
"You seem to be going quite red there,"
"I - uh - shut up,"
"Nah, I don't think I will. So, why were you drawing me, huh? I saw the one of the three us together, so you can't tell me whats why."
"I, thought your mask looked cool? And uh, I've never seen anyone with your style so wanted to try and .. copy it?" He replied, staring at the taller boys mouth. He didn't mean to, it just kinda .. happened.
"Are you staring at my lips?"
"hUH - what - no, why the fuck would I?"
"I don't know, you're the one doing it," Dream smirked slightly, leaning closer to Sapnap, the distance between them was breakable, to the point where they could feel eachothers breath on one another's faces.

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