Chapter Four

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TW;; self harm


Nick tried to sleep that night, but couldn't. He knew he could trust George, but what if Dream found out? What if he got caught? What if his father found out and took the other boys to prison? He was scared. Scared of basically everything at this point. He didn't know what to do, he was mentally lost.

Tears started to slowly fall down his face. Part of him hoped that George or even Dream would walk into the room and just hold him, just tell him everything would be alright. But of course, no one did. So instead, he just silently sobbed to the darkness.


He woke up the next morning, heading straight to the bathroom to wash his face. He looked tired, he was tired. He only got about an hour sleep, if that. Everytime he was close to falling asleep, he saw images of the two boys he lives with, the two boys who are now his only friends, being dragged away to a cell, left there to rot away. He hated it, so in the end, he just gave up trying to get sleep.

He walked downstairs, seeing George sitting at the table, "Morning Nick! Dreams still asleep, but theres food in the kitchen if youre hungry!"
"Oh, uh, thanks, George."
"You okay? You seem kinda .. off,"
"Yeah, I'm just tired. Don't worry,"
"Okay.. just know that I'm here if you need to talk about anything!"
"Thanks, George. Same for you," he smiled softly, and received a small smile back.


A few hours later, George told the smaller boy he and Dream were going out for a walk, "Do you wanna join?"
"Nah, I'll stay here. Have fun you too,"
"We will!" George responded, Dream just nodded.


And now, Sapnap was alone. He felt like shit, emotionally, mentally and physically.

He grabbed his lighter from his pocket and found a piece of metal. He put the metal over the flame from the black and red lighter, making sure it was heated up. Then, pressed the hot metal against his arm. He winced in pain, but felt like he deserved it, so didn't stop.

After a few minutes, he removed the metal slab from his arm, placing it back where he found it.

"Fuck.. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.." He kept repeating, the words slowly getting quieter as the boy started to cry once again. "FUCK." He shouted, punching the wall next to him repeatedly. "I fucking hate this." He said before he laid down on the couch, closing his eyes as he released small, quiet sobs, eventually falling asleep.


"Dreammm! Slow downn!" George shouted to the taller boy as he trailed behind,
"Georgee! Catch upp!" Dream mimicked.
"Oh, shut up!" George laughed, Dream chuckling as well.
"Where we going, anyway? You only went to the village the other day,"
"Yeah, I know. Just thought we'd say hi to the people who live there. They ask about you, you rarely see them anymore."
"Yeah, I'm just busy, but fuck it, I guess you're right," he chuckled as the two boys headed towards the village closest to them.

When they finally arrived, the people there greeted them all with smiles and waves. They may not be important people, but they always helped out the nearby villages whenever possible.

"Hello, Dream! Long time, no see."
"Hey, Clive. How've you been?"
"Aha, I'm alright. I was just talking about you to George the other day!"
"Aha, hopefully nothing bad,"
"Oh, of course not! There's nothing bad to be said about you!"
"Aha, thank you, Clive," he smiled, receiving a smile back.
"So, George, did you tell Dream about the missing prince situation?"
"No, I uh, must of forgot to.." George replied,
"Missing prince..?" Dream asked, tilting his head in confusion.
"Yep! The prince, Nicholas, has gone missing. Theres a big reward for anyone who finds him."
"Oh, really? What's he look like?" Dream asked, Clive pulled out a poster that had the boys face on it, "These were released earlier today," The older man said. Dream just stared at the photo in his hands, "Sapnap.." he muttered,
"What was that? Sorry, I'm getting older, and apperently deaf at the same time aha!"
"Oh, it was nothing. Anyway, me and George better head home now. We'll see you later!"
"Of course, goodbye!"


"What the fuck? Sapnap is a fucking prince? And he didn't fucking tell us?" Dream was clearly annoyed, he was furious.
"Look, Dream, he ran away for a reason, hes told me eve-"
"I found out last night, he didn't want me to know either, it just.. happened."
"You're fucking kidding me, right? We have a fucking stuck up prince living in our house and you didn't fucking tell me?"
"I didn't know how t-"
"No, just shut up, George. I'm going home and I'm taking him back. Are you in?"
"... I can't, Dream. Its a lot more difficult than you think and-"
"Fine. I'll do it my fucking self then." Dream sped off home, completely ignoring Georges shouts behind him.


Nick woke up, his arm in pain, and his brain felt like it was pounding on the inside of his skull. "Fuck," He sighed before sitting up. He pulled his sleeve up slightly to see his injury, "Jesus, didnt realise it was that bad." He said before pulling his sleeve back down and getting a glass of water.

Then, the door opened. "SAPNAP." Dream shouted, immediate fear shot down the smaller boys body, he hated being shouted at, and the by the sounds of it, Dream was pissed.
"Uh.. yeah?" He replied, walking over to Dream,
"Sapnap. What the fuck is this?" He said, holding up the missing poster to his face,
"No, don't even fucking try. For fuck sake, I'm taking you back."
"N-No, Dream, you can't! Let me expla-"
"NO. I'm taking you back, you don't get a fucking say in this. You understand that?"
"No, please.." Tears fell down his face again as he just stared at Dream, fear in his eyes.
"Oh, quit the bull shit, Nicholas. If you don't come with me, I'm just bringing them here. Your fucking choice, your majesty."
"Fine. I'm bringing them here." He said, running out the house, not even bothering to close the door behind him.

Sapnap just stood there for a few moments, eventually falling to his knees once his legs started to get weaker. He couldn't stop crying, he didn't know what to do. He wanted to run before they got there, but he couldn't move. He was so drained from energy, he couldn't even get up from the floor. So he just sat there, tears continuing to roll down his face.


Just as George got close to the house, he saw Dream run out. He had to make a choice on whether to make sure Sapnap was okay, or chase Dream. And he had to make the decision fast.

He chose to chase Dream. Running after him. At some point, Dream had stopped running, so George ran towards him and pushed him to the ground, sitting on top of him.
"Ow- what the- what the fuck, George?"
"You can't do this, Dream."
"Oh yeah? Why the fuck not? He's a fucking prince! He had everything he could of wished for! Fucking hell, I would kill to have that. Do you not understand how much of a spoiled fucking br-"
George slapped him.
"Dream. Shut the fuck up for a minute, and listen to me. He ran away for a fucking reason, you idiot."
"Oh, please, that's complete bull sh-"
George slapped him again. "SHUT UP, DREAM. He's told me everything. For fuck sake. What if when I found you that one night, crying on the fucking floor, I just took you back to all your old friends? Huh?"
"This is different. He's fucking royalty!"
"He spoke to me. He opened to me. He trusted me. He's not fucking lying, you didn't see him crying into my shoulder for 10 minutes, you didn't see the worry in his eyes when he thought I was going to rat him out, you didn't see him shaking as I held him. You didn't see shit. You're a fucking idiot, Clay. But just know, if you go through with this, I don't want to fucking see you again." George got off of Dream and walked away. Dream just laid there for a few minutes.

"Fuck this. George will forgive me eventually. It'll be fine." He said to himself as he stood up, continuing to walk towards the castle.



words (without a/n): 1460
words (total): 1566

heyo! so uh, ive now decided this book will probably have around 9/10 chapters, and will include a lot more angst, so be prepared. anyway, ive started to write a dnf book as well, it wont be published until this one is completely finished, of course. it probably will still have angst (its my way of venting lol) but no where near as much, and it wont be as triggering, more just kinda sad lmao - but hopefully you guys will like that book too :0 anyway, have a good day, guys,, bye bye :D

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