Chapter Nine

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Sapnap managed to sneak back into his window without being seen, he let out a sigh of relief as he sat on his bed. He laid down, staring up at the ceiling once again, "I miss you, George. I hope you're gonna be proud of me and Dream," He smiled before closing his eyes, falling asleep not soon after.

Dream walked home a longer way, he needed the fresh air, and he wanted to sit down in a certain place. A place where he and George used to go a lot to talk about their feelings and mess around and just be idiots together.

Finally, he found the spot. He sat down on the grass, leaning back on his arms, and just looked up at the sky. "This will work. We'll do it for you, George. All for you." The blonde smiled sadly before laying down completely, eventually falling asleep as well.


Dream was woken up by a creeper blowing up nearby, but he could see the sun rising so he just sat up anyway, rubbing his eyes from under the mask. "Todays the day. George, I hope you're watching us, and I hope you're proud." He smiled at the sky before standing up, making his way to the house.

Once there, he hesitated for a moment before opening the door. But knew he would need all the supplies he could get, so opened it and walked inside nonetheless. He walked straight up to his own room, grabbing any armour and weapons he could find, and stuffing it all into bags. Then, went to the kitchen, grabbing any and all potions they still had, as well as food, lots of food.

"Okay, I think I'm prepared. Let's do this. For George." He said to himself as he left the house, heading towards the village closest to the castle.


Sapnap awoke to the sounds of yelling below him, and then a knock on his door. He stood up and opened it to see his mother standing outside holding a bag, and looking scared, "Oh, mother, what's wrong?"
"Well, Nick, I've decided to get a divorce with your father, but you know how he is, he won't sign the papers. I'm going to be gone for a while, but I promise as soon as this calms down I'll come back for you, okay?"
"Okay," He smiled at her, his mother had always been kinder than his father, she was the obvious favourite parent.
"Okay, well, I'll see you soon. Goodbye, Nicholas. I'm proud of you," She smiled,
"Goodbye, mother," He smiled back as the queen walked back down the corridor, leaving the house all together.

Once Sapnap heard the door shut, he sat on his bed. He had to get ready, everything was happening today, and soon. He had roughly 1 hour before he would meet Dream, 3 hours until the riot began. He wouldn't admit it, but he was scared.

Still, he would not give up this fight, no matter what happened, it was for George. So he quickly put on a black sweater and a white button up, as well as some ripped jeans. He styled his hair and even put on some eyeliner, just because he knew this would piss his father off even more. Before long, he realised he had to leave before he was late. He grabbed a black mask from his side draw and put it on, climbing through the window and over to the village.


Dream was talking to everyone about what they had planned so far, and by the looks of it, everyone had agreed it was a good plan.
"Dream!" Sapnap shouted as he ran over,
"Hey, Sapnap. You wanna hear the plan so far?"
"Yeah, of course,"
"Okay, so. The bakers of the villages will be distracting the guards. They will have baskets of freshly baked bread, and be giving some to each guard around the area. What they won't know, is the bread has a sleeping potion mixed in, so they will all be knocked out. When the guards are all out, we'll get a signal. Then, the rest of us will go inside," Dream told Sapnap everything, making sure to not miss out any details. He had to make sure everyone knew exactly what was going on, they couldn't risk messing up.


A few hours later, and they were ready. The bread was baked, most people had armour and weapons, they were going to do this, and would not be stopped.

They headed towards the castle. Most people hidden in the jungle, while the bakers went forward, handing bread out to everyone.

A little while later, most of the guards had passed out. While waiting a few minutes just to make sure it was safe, they all headed inside, armed and ready. The door led everyone straight to the throne, where the king was sitting. "What is the meaning of this?" He asked, angrily.

Then, his son walked forward. "Hey, dad."
"Nicholas? Go to your room. At once. I'll sort of all this out."
"What did you say to me?"
"Awh, come now, Nicholas, I have no idea what you're talking about."
"I recorded what happened yesterday morning. When you shouted at me, basically confessed to everything, and then hit me. I recorded all of it."
"... You stupid, stupid child. You ungrateful boy. Everyone, leave. My son needs to be dicisplined."
"Shut up. No one is leaving."
"Oh really? GUARDS." The king shouted, dozens and dozens of guards flooding to the area, "Arrest anyone who doesn't leave when I get to one. Three, two, one."

Yet, no one had left. The guards heading towards the villagers, but they were not going easily.

The villagers fought back, and refused to give up. The guards had no choice but to fight back, so they did.

The fight continued for what felt like a while, and by the looks of it, the villagers were winning.


Quite a while later, the battle was finally over, and the villagers had won.
"Well. Now what will you do, my son?" The king asked, but got no reply straight away. Instead, Sapnap just walked closer to the king who was still sat on the throne.

"This, this is for George." The ravenette finally answered before forcing his sword through his fathers chest. "Go to hell, you bastard." The boy said as he removed his sword, leaving his father to bleed out.

Sapnap just watched the king slowly die, falling to the floor, begging for mercy, yet not being given any. Not long after, he eventually disappeared. His body turning to nothing but smoke.

The villagers cheered, Dream walking towards to Sapnap and placing his arm around the shorter boys shoulders. "I'm proud of you, and I'm sure George is too," He smiled, receiving a smile back.
"I sure hope he is,"



words (without a/n): 1183
words (total): 1276

heyo! so, this might seem like the end, but its not. theres one more chapter after this, and then im moving onto the oneshots book im writing (it was gonna be a dnf one, but i have loads of ideas so y'know.. its mainly gonna be dreamnotfound, sapnotfound, and dreamnap so :D ) this book may have a sad ending, but not in angsty sorta way, just a kind of 'awh🥺' sorta way lmao,, welp, thats all for now, folks! bye bye, and stay safe :D♡

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