Chapter Ten

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A few weeks after everything had happened, Sapnap was crowned king. He was great, and nothing like his father. He made sure to always help out any villages in the kingdom and gave all his guards days off, extra pay, and promised to never fire them unless they really messed up.

Dream ended up staying at the castle as well, and they had so much fun. They were constantly joking around with eachother, chasing one another, and just enjoying themselves.


The two boys were sitting in the garden of the castle one day, making little daisy chains and crowns, just talking about anything and everything they could think of.

"Hey, Sapnap? Can I ask you something?" The blonde asked the ravenette, looking kind of anxious,
"Of course, what's up, dude?"
"Okay, so, I'm really fucking scared right now but fuck it. Sapnap, will you uh .. be my boyfriend..?" The taller boy asked, a light pink brushing across his cheeks.
Sapnap turned red as he just quickly nodded, "Yes, of course I will,"

The two boys smiled at one another, Dream leaning in and kissing him. They stayed in the garden for a while, just looking up at the sky, being happy with one another.


A few days after the two started dating, Sapnap told Dream he had a surprise for him and to go the court yard at 12 pm.

Dream just nodded even though he was confused, and waited for the time to arrive where he would see whatever Sapnap had in store for him.


A few hours later, and it was time. Dream walked outside to the court yard to see Sapnap standing in front of something, "What's going on?" He asked,
"Well, I know it hasn't been easy for either of us with losing George, especially for you. So, I paid some guards a little extra to help me make a memorial for him." The ravenette stepped aside as he revealed what was behind him. There were some blue flowers, as well as some white glasses and one of George's jumpers. There was also a gravestone, written on it was this;
'Here lies George. He was a good man, an innocent man. He was a good friend to all he was in contact with, and he lived life as much as he could. He will be forever missed by everyone.'

As Dream saw all of this, he couldn't help but cry. He sat down in front of the small memorial, Sapnap joining him. The two boys just cuddled one another as they looked at the memorial, both of them crying, but still smiling.


As time went on, the two boys would visit the memorial every day, telling George how their day was, what happened and what they did, and just telling him they missed him, and would never forget him, hoping that someway, the deceased brunette would end up hearing their words.


The blonde and ravenette didn't know this, but George was in fact looking over them constantly, and when Sapnap and Dream went to visit the memorial, George would just sit with them and listen to everything. "I know you guys can't hear me, but please know that I am so proud of the both of you. I knew you could do this. I'll wait here until we next meet again. And until then, I will watch over you, that's a promise. I miss you," He started crying, embracing the two younger boys into a hug.

Sapnap and Dream felt a warm embrace around them, they both smiled, knowing that it was George. Even if they couldn't see him, they felt him, and knew he would watch over them. And that's all that mattered.

words (without a/n): 622
words (total): 689

hello :) so, this is the end of this story. i hope you enjoyed it, and once again, thank you to everyone who has read it, i really appreciate it. next will be the one shots, ill probably upload the first story to that in a week or two if anyone is interested. stay safe, everyone, and have a good day :) ily all <3

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