Chapter Eight

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TW; mentions of starvation & abuse


Dream eventually stood up and walked home. The house was so quiet, and he hated it. He missed his bestfriend, and he couldn't help but blame himself. He walked into George's room, and laid down on his bed as he removed his mask, tears streaming from his eyes. "I'm so sorry, George. I didn't mean for this to happen. I miss you, I promise I will make everything right. I'm sorry." He laid there, staring up at the ceiling as his tears kept flowing. Eventually, he fell asleep. Dreaming of himself, George and Sapnap all having fun together and going on adventures. He dreamt that they were all happy, and nothing bad could happen to them.


Sapnap walked into his room as the soon as the execution was over. He cried, as he slumped down onto the floor against the wall. "I'm sorry, George. I miss you. You were my first real friend, my best friend, and I'm sorry I didn't try harder to get them to stop. I'm sorry." He closed his eyes, clenching his fists as he hit his palms against his head. "I'm so sorry.."


The next day, Dream woke up. His head was pounding, and he felt like shit. He walked downstairs, hoping that George hadn't actually passed, that he was downstairs and had just made breakfast and they could talk and laugh about everything.

But, of course, no one was there. He felt like crying again, but knew he couldn't. He had to think of a plan, he had to avenge George's death. He couldn't live with himself if he didn't try at the very least. So, he grabbed a bunch of supplies, and he left the house, heading for the castle.

Once he got there, he examined the fences around the place, and looking at every guard he could see, he made sure to keep a mental note of where everyone was.

Once he had most of the layout remembered, he walked into a nearby forest, taking out some paper and a pen. He drew a quick sketch of the castle and the fence, writing down where every guard was, where every camera was.

He only moved if he was getting closer. He noticed every hour one guard goes in and another comes out, leaving roughly a two minute interval in between.


Sapnap woke up to a loud banging on his door, opening it, he realised it was his father. "What do you want?"
"That is no way to talk to me, the king, your father. I mean, I killed the man who held you hostage. Is that not enough?"
"No, you didn't. You killed my best friend."
"He just convinced you to think that. Anyway, come downstairs."
"What did you just say to me?"
"DO NOT RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME. After everything I do for you, you're still a disrespectful brat."
"You do for me? You're kidding, right?"
"You know what? Fine. Don't come downstairs. But, you can't leave your room either. You're staying here, like it or not, you ungrateful child."
Sapnap shut the door in his fathers face, slowly walking back to his bed as he laid down. Once again, tears streamed down his face. He just wanted to see George and Dream again. He wanted all of this to be some horrible nightmare.


Later that night, Dream knew exactly where to go and when. He had been watching the castle all day, watching Sapnap's window all day. He knew what to do, but he had to be fast. Really, fast.

Dream got as close to the fence as possible without being seen, it was difficult, but he did it. Now, he just had to wait for the guard to go inside. He checked his pocket watch, the time was 10:50 pm, meaning the guard would go inside in roughly 8 or 9 minutes. He waited, patiently, until the right time.

A few minutes later, the guard walked inside. As soon as he was out of sight, Dream climbed up the fence as quickly as he could. He jumped onto a nearby tree and tried to discreetly make his way across to Sapnap's window.

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