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Calum's "New friend"

    Calum Hood, 24, bassist of Australian band Five Seconds of Summer, was spotted by our cameras last night, February 3, 2020, leaving an In-N-Out location with an unknown brunette in tow. Our sources say that the pair looked quite cozy whilst dining but appeared distressed on their walk to their separate cars. We feared the notoriously single bassist may have been at the end of a date gone wrong.
    When asked about his company for the evening Mr. Hood responded that she was only a friend. His Instagram story posted hours later (see below) however seems to hint more at romance than something more platonic.

 His Instagram story posted hours later (see below) however seems to hint more at romance than something more platonic

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    So tell us your thoughts in the comments. Does Calum finally have a leading lady in his life? Is his "new friend" simply that? And most importantly, who is she? Calum's Instagram story revealed no tag or other identifying information but we know the internet is the best detective. We can't wait to watch what happens!


Fuck. A tabloid article was the last thing he needed so close to the band's new single dropping. He sighed, the air rushing from the deepest part of his lungs as he sat his phone on the coffee table and dragged his hands down his face.

He'd have to speak to Soph, he'd never intended to get her caught up into the craziness of his life. He'd been stupid to post that picture on his Instagram story. If he'd been thinking straight he would have foreseen the repercussions it might cause but he'd been distracted. All of his focus had been diverted to the way she laughed at everything while they had watched television and the scent of her shampoo that surrounded him as she scooted closer, her weight shifting until he could feel the warmth of her body where she rested against him.

He didn't know what it was about her that had him so off kilter. He wasn't used to losing his head over a woman, even if she was fucking gorgeous. Saying he was interested in falling for someone was one thing, the realization that it might actually be happening was fucking terrifying.

He felt a bit stunned by the things that he was feeling. He'd practically just met her but he couldn't deny that while she scared him shitless there was something to be said about the way he could be himself around her.

He'd been incredibly defensive when his friends had speculated that he might feel the way he was beginning to. Now he just felt foolish for attempting to deny himself the truth, and that made him frustrated.

He walked towards the kitchen, rifling through the cabinets and assembling the things he would need to bake until he had processed all of this new information. Calum had just finished pre measuring his ingredients when Roy walked in, a wide smirk smeared across his face as he took in the scene and then took a seat on one of the bar stools that lined the peninsula counter.

"So..." Roy started and Calum's eyes snapped upwards to meet his. His friend seemed to reconsider his words when he saw the dark and daring look in Calum's brown irises.

"I'm baking a cake for tomorrow."

"So, just baking because of the single drop then or, is there something else?"

Sometimes Calum hated how perceptive his roommate was of his behaviors, not that it was a hard guess. What, with the way his hands gripped the ingredients in his hands revealing the prominent muscles of his forearms and the jumping vein in his neck, he supposed it wasn't that far of a stretch.

"I'm just fucking dandy." He grunted, his mind a million miles away as he dumped his ingredients together and began to mix them.

"Yes, that's clear based on your sunny disposition." Roy said with a forced laugh as he reached across the counter and grabbed an apple from their fruit basket, taking a large bite.

Calum sighed and leaned away from the counter, standing to his full height, he blew out a breath and his shoulders sagged. "I think I might like her."

"Who?" Roy said around another bite of apple. Calum dead panned and tossed the hand towel he'd just dried his hands with at his roommates head. "Oh, oh right. Our lovely neighbor. If only someone had called this weeks ago. Oh, wait!" Sarcasm oozed from his words and Calum had nothing to say to contradict him so he angrily worked to pour his smooth batter into his cake pan.

Roy's eyes raised at the sound and sight of Calum's obvious distress. "So what's the issue? I thought you being interested in someone would be a good thing."

"Stupid fucking paps got pictures of us leaving In-N-Out, now they're smeared on every tabloid website this morning. If they haven't figured out her identity yet, I'm sure they will soon. So there goes any real chance I ever had with her."

"That seems a bit intense after just one picture."

"My dumbass posted one on my instagram story like a fucking idiot too. It's like I forgot how to use my brain." He said, throwing open the oven door and shoving his cake pan into the appliance.

"Even still. I don't think you should be making these kinds of doomsday remarks without at least talking to her. Maybe she doesn't really mind the media stuff."

"Think that might would be worse if I'm honest, mate." Calum replied, frowning as he reached for his water glass that rested on the counter and drained it.

"I see your point but she doesn't strike me as the fifteen minutes of fame type."

"I'd like to think she isn't but I don't know anymore. Every time I get myself into one of these situationships I seem to wind up hurt. It makes the whole idea unappealing and it leaves me fucking alone like always."

"I see the whole 'working on not being so pessimistic' thing is going well.

"That's not funny." Calum replied, his finger pointed at his friend and roommate.

"It's a little funny. I think you're really just getting yourself all worked up over something because you're letting your brain imagine all of these worst case scenarios instead of just actually talking to the girl. She literally lives two hundred feet away. Just go knock on her door."

"You say that like it's that simple."

"Because it is!" Roy said with a dismissive shake of his head. "You're making this so much more taxing for yourself. Just go talk to her, and sooner rather than later. You're going to be busy tomorrow and the last thing you need is this hanging over your head."

Calum sighed and turned so his back was pressed against the counter, crossing his arms over his chest and releasing a conceding sigh. "You know I hate it when you're right."

"I know."

"Take my cake out when the timer goes off?"

"Good luck!"

An: hey guys,

So if you haven't read my post on my account my mom was just diagnosed with breast cancer. The doctors seem to think we've caught it early and that her chances are good but it's still super scary. Because of this my updates will be spotty and after the conclusion of this book depending on her condition I may take a break from Wattpad. Thanks for bearing with me 🖤


What do we think about the media reaction?

Cal's insta story?

His reaction?

What happens next?

I love you guys more than words can say.
Until next time,
Sav 🖤

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