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The streets are packed.

Like, so packed that if it weren't for the iron grip securing Jun and Minghao's hands together, they'd've lost each other within a minute of stepping from the hotel doors. And that grip is the only thing keeping Jun grounded right now. Even so, his eyes are drifting in and out of focus, as he puts all of it into not losing Minghao's hand.

Whereas Minghao is searching desperately for an emptier back street, where they can go for just a few minutes to clear their heads. Jesus, he thinks. Neither of them were expecting this. They've already lost Yuqi, Yeji and Renjun.

Finally Minghao manages to pull Jun into a different street, still filled with people but no more than a usual weekend on the boardwalk. "Woah," he sighs. "Maybe we should avoid that place."

Jun laughs, "That sounds like a good idea."

Minghao tugs on Jun's hand. "Come on," he says. "Let's see what's down here." They can see the end of the street opening up into a square of some sort, embellished with every bright colour of the rainbow, and the loud booming of live music dances off the walls, surrounding them as they draw nearer. Their hands hang between them, swinging softly as they walk.

Unfortunately, they don't notice the shadow trailing behind them, phone camera poised with a smirk playing on their lips.

"This is amazing," Minghao says, his eyes wide and following the scenes around them. So many people are dressed in elaborate masks and costumes rich in colour and detail, they parade around the streets, their outfits glistening under the lights.

Something catches Minghao's eye in his peripheral vision. He turns to see what it was and gasps. "Look over here!" Jun follows behind him to a large stall selling an array of beautiful masquerade masks—albeit less extravagant than the ones most people are wearing around them. A fair few visitors seem to be wearing ones similar to these though, and before he knows it Minghao picks one up and marvels at it.

"They were worn to hide identity," Jun tells him, pointing to a card filled with writing just to the side of the stall. "Different social classes would interact without consequence and sometimes..." he fakes an outraged gasp, "Engage in debauchery."

Minghao can't help the loud giggle that escapes his lips. "Well, I've already got my own," he says, referring to the eye-catching colours painted over his face, "Now you need one too." After a few minutes, Minghao picks out a black masquerade mask with gold trimmings, giving some money to the man handling the stall. He thanks them with a wave as Jun and Minghao run off further down the street, reaching the canal again. A crowd of people follow in their footsteps, being equally as enthralled at the masks on sale that it rips the vendor's attention from the two boys.

When they are about to reach the open street again—thankfully still not as crowded as before—Minghao secures the mask that veils his eyes over Jun's face and quickly reconnects their hands. Before he can move though, Jun pulls him back into a single kiss, slipping into a dimmer part of the alley. It's short, as both of them are aware of the swarms of people passing by, but still they feel the raging emotions and passion hidden within it. It takes everything in both of them not to just hold on for dear life, and fulfil their addictions; run back to the hotel for the rest of the day and perhaps appear later on in time for the others not to suspect anything.

But Jun pulls back, and through the mask, Minghao catches his eyes shining. "Thank you, Minghao," he says.

"What for?"


The rest of the day passes in a blur. Jun and Minghao venture through the city's streets, marvelling at the incredible costumes and dancing to the wonderous live music. Somehow they manage to reunite with Yuqi and Renjun, with Yeji running up to them all shortly after, clearly out of breath.

When they ask why she was running, she shrugs. "I had to make sure you didn't walk off without me."

They find an empty table at a restaurant, squashing into the last booth right in the back corner. When Yuqi fails to fit beside the rest of them, she manages to steal a chair from another table, coming back red-faced and hiding her face in her hands. "They fucking spoke Chinese, and didn't think to mention it until I'd made a laughing stock of myself." While all of them laugh, Yeji pats her back awkwardly, glancing at the others, unsure what to say.

The food arrives and they all dig in, feeling completely starved as it's nearing late afternoon and they've been out since early morning.

"What's the plan for tomorrow? My legs are aching so much I think I'll collapse if we do that again," Renjun asks halfway through the meal, sending a glare to Yuqi as he aggressively stuffs another mouthful of food into his mouth.

Yuqi throws up her hands and returns the glare, "Not my fault you're unfit. I wanted to see everything."

Renjun groans, "I'm pretty sure we walked the entire city at the speed you were running."

"I'm probably going to avoid the streets as much as possible tomorrow," Jun laughs. "We were surrounded by enough people to make me happy never seeing anyone again." He stretches his arms up and when they drop, one rests over Minghao's shoulders.

The younger nods, "I can second that."

They finish the meal, splitting the bill equally in the end, even though Yuqi originally tried to pay for it all herself and leave the restaurant with full stomachs and a contented aura about them. Minghao convinces Jun to put his mask back on as they walk back up to the hotel and so he does, realising with a start as they walk through the same packed street from earlier that he doesn't feel anxious at all.

Jun lets the grin appear on his face as they're approaching the hotel. When Minghao asks him what's up, he shakes his head. "Just thought of something."

"I know we said we weren't going to go out again," Yuqi speaks out suddenly as the five of them are lounging around her and Yeji's room. "But there's a light show happening tonight that's like a five minute walk away. It starts in two hours... can we go?" She clasps her hands together and turns her gaze from one person to another, pleading them with her eyes.

"I'm up for it," Minghao says, calling through from the bathroom where he's working at wiping away his makeup and slowly removing the decor from his face, his skin turning red underneath it.

"That's two," Yuqi smiles. "Anyone else? Jun? Yeji?"

Yeji yawns and shakes her head. "Sorry."

Jun cranes his neck to stare at Yuqi's desperate expression. "Ask me in an hour."

"What about me? Why didn't you ask me?"

Yuqi throws a glare to Renjun, who frowns at her from the sofa. "The chances of you saying yes are so slim I didn't see the point."

"Okay, ouch." He rubs his chest, not breaking eye contact with Yuqi. "And actually, I was going to come, until you said that." Immediately Yuqi's eyes widen and she tries to beg him again, until Renjun sighs, rubs his face and pretends to give it a long and hard think. "Well..." he starts, "I suppose I could spare the time."

With Yeji having already given her definite answer, and being in no hurry to change her mind, Yuqi looks back to Jun, now with a raised eyebrow and an expectant look.

After a long pause, and him noticing Minghao watching him in the bathroom mirror, he sighs.


a/n: if you're wondering, this is based off the Venice Carnival that happens sometime around February

I didn't specify the place because I knew my description of the event and the city wouldn't be that accurate, and obviously the story isn't set at the right time for it to actually be the Venice Carnival anyway

I just wanted to put that note in in case you were interested! and also to say that I didn't come up with the mask idea, I read about it and thought it was really interesting :)

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