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The car door thuds shut behind Minghao, and he quickly turns around to thank the taxi driver before walking in the direction of the large, swinging doors. He smiles when he spots Jun hovering in front of the building, and soon enough Jun notices him too. He gives him a subtle wave and lets Minghao pass before following behind.

For the first time since Minghao got accepted by Jun's agency, they're working on a shoot together. Although, they thought it'd be best to not obviously stick with one another, so as they move through the ground floor towards the lift, Jun keeps a steady distance behind Minghao.

When they enter the lift and stand closer to the back, Jun brushes his hand against Minghao's and sends him a glance out of the corner of his eye. He turns to his phone a moment later, and Minghao instinctively looks at his too, with one hand resting securely on his camera bag. Many people crowd into the lift around them, all with their backs turned to the pair.

did you sleep well?

alright, but i was kinda nervous 
did you?

no better than normal :/ 

Minghao purses his lips, reaching down to lace their fingers together. For a moment Jun freezes up but after a quick scan of the elevator that's steadily rising to the seventh floor, he seems to relax again and gently rubs his thumb over Minghao's palm, fighting back a wide yawn.

The elevator dings and the doors drag open, leaving everyone to stream out and go their respective ways. Again, Jun lags a few steps behind when Minghao leaves. His legs itch to speed up, grab his boyfriend's hand and tug him along, swinging their arms between them. But his longing quickly dissipates after his manager turns the corner and spots both of them. He gives Jun a glance but nothing more, walking straight into the studio and disappearing behind the closing doors.

Jun and Minghao split off once in the main studio. Minghao wanders off to meet the head photographer, while Jun beelines for the dressing room. He slips inside and is instantly greeted by Yuqi, already dressed in a purple and white shirt with her light honey coloured hair in ringlets. She takes a look over Jun's shoulder and raises her eyebrow, lowering her voice. 

"What's Minghao doing here?" she enquires.

"He's one of the photographers," Jun says, unable to hold back the pride in his voice. Yuqi clearly notices and gives him a look with a subtle raised eyebrow, before shoving him in the direction of the makeup artists, where he greets them quickly before sitting down in front of the mirror.

He makes light conversation, but mostly ends up talks to himself and letting them focus.

Just as Jun finishes getting dressed, Park's voice rings through the room from the doorway, calling them through. Yuqi waits for him by the door, even though her photos are being taken first. Renjun and Yeji are nowhere to be seen, but Jun supposes they'll appear later.

Minghao's eyes are drawn to Jun as he emerges from the dressing room. It takes every effort to not react as he wants to, and make it known to the whole room that this person right here—this beautiful human being—is his boyfriend. Instead, Minghao tears his eyes away, knowing that if he stares for much longer, holding himself back will be impossible. But God, Jun looks stunning.

In a monochrome outfit, with a beret resting on top slightly tousled curls, the simplicity of his outfit and makeup makes him look like an angel.

"Xu Minghao, over here please." 

Minghao is led to a place off to the side of the set, where he's left to set up. The butterflies are running rampant in his stomach right now. Sure, this isn't his first job, but so far this is the biggest team he's encountered. His eyes search for Jun and it's easy to pick him out. Minghao waits for their eyes to meet before giving him a reassuring nod and mouthing I love you, to which Jun grins and winks back at him.

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