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After being sat in the same position on Jeonghan's floor for hours that day, Jun's fingers start to itch in irritation and, with a sigh, he slams the laptop shut, dropping his head into his hands and letting out a prolonged groan. It also doesn't help that the bright midday sun streaming through the window is making his head pound.

"What's up?" Jeonghan asks from his bed, glancing at him from behind his tablet screen. 

"I've been looking for two weeks," Jun complains, "But I can't find a house or apartment that I can actually afford that's not out on the other side of the fucking city."

Sliding off his bed, Jeonghan joins him on the floor. "Don't worry about it too much," he says. "I'm not itching to throw you out yet."

Jun scoffs. "I appreciate it," he says, before sighing.

"I don't want to put pressure on your parents or anything."

Jeonghan shakes his head. "You're not, Jun. I think they'll miss you when you leave... you talk to them more than Hana and I do combined." That makes Jun laugh a little, but still he mumbles that he'll find a home as quickly as possible anyway. "What about a building for your agency?" Jeonghan continues. "Have you found one yet?"

Jun nods, face brightening up, "Yes! It's out by the library, you know that smallish building on the corner that's been empty for a few years? They were so desperate to sell it that I got it cheap, and it barely made a dent in what Mingyu's father loaned me."

"That's great," Jeonghan grins.

Giving up on searching for now, Jun slides his laptop off his lap and leans back on his hands, turning to Jeonghan. "Anyway," he diverts the conversation. "How's practice been since the competition?"

"Ugh, awful." Jeonghan scowls and crosses his arms. "I have to watch my coach and my sister being all lovey-dovey with each other and act like it doesn't affect me." He scrunches his face up in disgust, but moments later his expression turns to one of defeat and he sighs. "I mean, I knew he wasn't into guys, and I never actually expected for us to happen, but it could've been anyone, and he chose my fucking sister." Knees drawn up to his chest, Jeonghan stares at Jun with a fed-up look.

Jun pats him on the back. "Why don't we go do something?" he nods to the window, "It's a nice day, and it'll take your mind off all the shit for a bit."

Jeonghan nods slowly. "Sure... why not. Can we go to Soonyoung's cafe? I need to ask Jihoon about something." Jun agrees and pulls the older to his feet, both of them slipping their shoes on and traipsing down the stairs, Jeonghan avoiding his sister's eyes as they pass her on the landing.

"You can't stay mad at her forever, Han," Jun tells him as they walk through a shortcut to the boardwalk, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"I know," Jeonghan admits. "Just a bit longer, until they've broken up- OW! Okay I'm joking!" He yelps when Jun hits him on the shoulder. "I'll get over it eventually."

The alleyway finally opens up onto the boardwalk, coming out at the opposite side to the harbour. If they carried on left, it would take them to a secluded stretch of beach with great rocks for climbing, but the two of them turn right and carry on in the direction of the pier.

As soon as they enter the cafe, a yell comes from the room behind the till. Soonyoung pokes his head out from the doorway, yelling, "It's my two favourite people!" The impish grin on his face only widens as Jihoon—sat in the corner by the window—groans and buries his head in his hands. A few other customers look over and stare at them, Jun drops his gaze to the floor and grits his teeth, but thankfully they quickly look away.

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