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Wait you were serious?

When Jun sees the text drop down at the top of his phone screen, he grins. He has a feeling he knows what Minghao's talking about, but he asks even so.

What do you mean

The only thing he gets in response is a link, which Jun opens to be met by his own face. It's his profile. He doesn't think twice before calling the boy, letting a laugh out when he picks up.

"You've been looking me up, huh?" he says, his eyebrow raising as he speaks.

Minghao agrees, completely oblivious to the tone of Jun's voice. "I thought you were joking earlier, but you were a bit too good to not have some experience, so I searched you up. How come I never knew you're a model?"

Jun hums, "Because you don't follow fashion, and because I never told you?"

"I follow fashion! Just not the models apparently."

There's a few seconds of silence, wherein Jun's face falls and he swallows the lump in his throat. "Are you mad?"

"Mad? Why would I be?"

"Because I didn't tell you," he sighs. "I'm sorry... I got really happy when you weren't trying to become my friend because of my following - which has happened before."

Minghao smiles softly, "It's fine, Junnie. Actually, I prefer that I only just found out."


He nods, "Uh huh. And let's not forget you're the one that's been knocking on my door every morning practically demanding I hang out with you."

That draws a laugh from Jun as he throws his head back, "Yeah, you're right. Why, are you saying you wouldn't want to be friends with me otherwise?"

"You know I don't mean it like that."

There's a pause in their conversation, before Minghao eventually speaks up again. "You're coming over tomorrow, right?"

Jun leans back against the headboard of his bed, the hand not holding his phone absentmindedly picking at his hangnails. "Do you want me to?"

"It would feel weird now, if you didn't barge into my house at donkey o'clock in the morning. So yeah, come over," Minghao responds, his voice cracking out halfway through the sentence. "But the forecast says it's gonna rain, so I probably won't be going out if that's okay with you."

"Of course it's fine." Getting up, Jun walks through his apartment to the bathroom, holding his phone up to his chest as he does. "We can chill and watch TV like we did on Monday."

Minghao hums, "I also have some ingredients that need to be used, so I can make us a really delicious lunch." Jun can't hear the playings of a smile stretching across the other boy's face.

"Please," he groans, "Your cooking is to die for. I swear, I'd pay you to cook food for whenever I do a shoot. The food there is always cheap and greasy." Screwing his nose up, Jun makes a disgusted sound. A second later, he hears a soft giggle from the other end of the phone, followed by a sudden bark. He hears Minghao shush Lulu, but also what he can only presume is the other boy playing with his dog, which makes Jun smile as he starts brushing his teeth.

"How's Ai?" he asks through a mouthful of toothpaste.

"Is that what she's called now?"

"Of course it is," Jun replies definitively. "She's a little sweetheart, after all. Just like you."

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