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"Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah, how bad could it be?"

"Jun, you're seriously going to walk up to the front door of a guy you don't even know and demand to be let in?"

"I know him! I told you Mingyu, we hung out yesterday!"

"You argued for the entire time you were there!"

"That's irrelevant."

Mingyu and Wonwoo turn to each other and collectively roll their eyes behind Jun's back. Somehow, Jun convinced them both to follow him to Xu Minghao's house - a boy Jun claims to be close with and whom Wonwoo met very briefly to check up on him after said boy feinted.

Jun spins round to face Wonwoo. "Okay," he says, "If Minghao tries to make us leave, you use an excuse and say you wanted to make sure he was okay, and we just came along. Deal?" 

Wonwoo lets out a breath but eventually nods. As he does so, Mingyu's eyebrows fly up and he laughs. "Why are you so invested in this guy anyway? You clearly don't get along, so why are you pining after him?"

Jun's lips jut out in protest. "I'm not pining!" he insists. "And it's because he's fucking cute! Why else?"

"But what are you going to do if he hates your guts?"

"Excuse me, have you seen Soonyoung and Jihoon? They couldn't stand each other and look at them now - can't look at them for more than two seconds without being reminded how dreadfully single I am." Jun's arms cross over his chest.

Mingyu shrugs, "Can't relate." He slips his hand into Wonwoo's, but having heard what he just said, Wonwoo scoffs and looks the other way. Although he does so whilst trying to hide his grin, and grips Mingyu's hand tighter when the younger goes to pull away.

"Jesus, Mingyu."

Suddenly the door swings open behind them and all three boys swerve to face the person leaning against the door, clearly unimpressed. 

"You know I can hear you, right?" Minghao says, a bored tone evident in the way he speaks. "Like... from the top floor."

Mingyu and Wonwoo notice the way Jun's eyes seem fuelled by fire as he's staring at Minghao, and cast yet another look to each other over the eldest's shoulder. It seems Minghao's waiting for an answer when he doesn't make to say anything else after a while, so Wonwoo speaks up, playing with the lie on his lips that he was the one who wanted to come, not his seemingly infatuated friend.

"Sorry, Minghao. Uh- I'm the doctor from a couple of days ago? I came to make sure you're okay, I noticed you aren't registered with any hospitals even though your condition is quite serious." Mingyu has to fight to hold back a laugh. Hearing his boyfriend speak 'professionally' will never sit right with him.

Minghao nods vaguely, "I'm fine," he says. "And I'm not registered because I don't need the care. I'm always careful."

"So what about two nights ago?"

He averts his gaze. "That was one time."

Wonwoo nods, but his brain is whirring now, coming up with unanswered questions until he asks a single one of them. "And what about medicine?"

"Antihistamines don't work." Minghao just shrugs, as if it's no big deal. 

Furrowing his eyebrows, Wonwoo shakes his head. "How-"

"Wouldn't it be more comfortable to carry this enlightening discussion on inside?"

They all look at Junhui, who only stares back at them innocently. Throwing a glance to Minghao, the boy quickly steps back. "Yeah, I guess," he stutters. "Come in."

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