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Minghao wakes up the following morning in a state he's widely unfamiliar with. After four years of never even sleeping in the same house as someone, suddenly he's woken up with an arm thrown over him and Jun's breath tickling the tip of his nose. It's odd, but Minghao eventually notices how comforting it is, and he lets his smile grow as he relaxes further into Jun's embrace. His hand comes up absentmindedly to fuss behind Teddy's ears - the adorable dog having fallen asleep between the two of them. 

Eyes drooping closed, Minghao sighs contentedly. Teddy wakes and glances at him before curling up even closer, taking some time to pad down on the bedding with his paws before curling into a ball. This small movement leads to a shuffle from Jun, who's face instantly warms upon seeing Minghao beside him.

"Morning sweetheart," he croaks, softly carding his hand through Minghao's hair.

Minghao presses his lips to Jun's shoulder and wraps his arms around his waist. "Morning," he murmurs into the crook of Jun's neck. "What time is it?"

Jun looks over his shoulder, "Nine-thirty."

"We're going shopping today, right?" 

He sucks the air between his teeth. "Damn," Jun curses, "I was hoping you forgot."

Letting out a small laugh, Minghao adamantly shakes his head. "As if."

In the end, Jun finally wasn't opposed to going shopping - he never really had been in the first place, the only thing deterring him originally was the idea that it was for his birthday. Minghao ended up dragging him out of his apartment, shoes barely on his feet, as Jun yelled after him as he tripped over himself.

So now, the whole 'Minghao buying a gift for Jun' thing is absolutely nothing to do with the fact that it was Jun's birthday yesterday... nothing at all, and instead Minghao is just in the mood to spend money on him. 

Simple as that.

"Where to first?" Minghao turns to him as they enter the grand shopping centre. They walk side by side, hands hanging separately and limply between them. 

"If you really have to get me something," he stresses, "I've always wanted a pair of those really chunky Dr Martens." Minghao nods his head and as they walk towards the other end of the centre, Jun desperately tries to clasp their hands together, but it's like Minghao senses his intentions, and every time he tries, Minghao conveniently scratches his arm, or points to something in their surroundings.

But at some point the playful teasing turns into Jun becoming deadly aware of the crowds around them, and his heart rate increasing exponentially. Minghao doesn't notice though, so knowing he won't get much more, Jun instead grips Minghao's shoulder. He wraps his arm around the younger, trying his hardest to be soft enough to not alarm him, but the suddenness of his movements do that for him anyway.

Minghao halts in his tracks and turns to face him. Jun tries to slow his breathing, and stop his eyes darting away to the swarms of commuters but he fails miserably. 

In an instant, Minghao tugs him into the toilets - maybe a bit disgusting, but the only place Minghao can see that seems to be empty and out of sight.

"Are you okay?" 

There's no one else in the bathroom. Jun looks up to see Minghao staring at him with evident concern. He gently cups his face in his hands. "Jun..." Minghao whispers, "Talk to me." 

"I'm fine," Jun insists with a shaking voice. When within a second he feels a pair of arms wrapping him in a tight embrace, Jun's muscles relax and he can't help melting into the hug, securing his arms over Minghao's shoulder's and lowering his head.

Minghao sighs in his ear. "What happened?"

Shrugging, Jun tries to dismiss it, but Minghao's grip on him tightens and he gives in. "Just the crowd," he admits. "But I swear, I'm fine. It's nothing." 

The bathroom door swings open with a bang and they immediately pull away, turning in unison to the door, where a stranger walks in and gives them an awkward smile before going into a cubicle. 

Once the lock clicks into place, Minghao locks his hand with Jun's, giving him a small smile as if to ask, are you okay to leave? Jun nods and they head out into the corridor leading back to the main building. Pausing just before they can reach the door, Minghao squeezes Jun's hand comfortingly in his and glances at him.

"We can go home if you want," he says. "And I can order your gift."

As much as Jun wants to disagree and overcome his anxieties, the way his heartrate instantly expedites after only seeing the amount of people sways him. Maybe it can wait. "Uh, yeah can we go home please?" Minghao doesn't hesitate to turn the other way and head back towards the entrance, keeping close the wall where there's less people cramped together, periodically checking on Jun and studying his facial expression. 

They get outside into the fresh air, where Jun finally starts feeling better.

"Bus or walk?" 

As if on cue, the hourly public bus pulls up right in front of them, but Jun only takes a step back. He tugs on Minghao's hand. "Walk?" 

Minghao sets his phone down beside him, going back to lightly brush his hand through Jun's hair where his head lays on his lap. "There," he says, "Your shoes are coming in three days. Happy birthday." He tilts his head down and lets his lips brush against Jun's with the touch of a feather, eyes flitting closed briefly. 

"I was never going to convince you not to, was I?" 

"Nope," Minghao shakes his head and they both chuckle softly. "What time are we going to Mingyu's? He's one of the two who I met the other day, right?" 

Jun hums, "We haven't really set a time, but it takes like two steps to get to his apartment anyway so it'll be fine." He looks up at Minghao, holding his gaze for a few seconds before a sudden smirk appears on his face. "Should we tell them about us?" 

Minghao quirks an eyebrow, "Should we?"

"Or... we could not say anything and see how long it takes them to notice." Minghao laughs at the look in Jun's eyes, how he seems so happy with himself for coming up with that idea, mixed with a hint of mischievousness. 

It's the kind of look you see in someone who has the ability to change the world.

a/n: it's the first of December :) it's supposed to snow this weekend and holy fuck this is England im talking about it never fucking snows like it's just forever grey... 

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