The Skeleton Deer

84 17 3

Prompt: a group of children discover a dead body

   It's too rainy to be playing outside, but nine year old Maisie adores the rain. The feeling of cold raindrops bouncing off her skin makes her feel alive. Whenever the weather's bad, Maisie loves to go outside; it makes her feel like she's an adventurer, exploring dark and dangerous lands in search of a rare plant or long lost treasure. The rain hammers against the top of her bright yellow raincoat, ricocheting like bullets. Clasped in her hands is a large, wet stick that she's using to bang against the tree trunks noisily.

   "Maisie!" She hears a voice cry out from behind her.

   Maisie's head whips around to see her friends heading towards her. Finally! It feels like it's been hours since she knocked on Joe's door and asked if they're going to come out play, to which Joe's mum responded that they'll be out in fifteen minutes. Initially, Joe's mum said no as it was too wet to play outside and offered for Maisie to come inside to play with the boys instead. But Maisie got sulky and said no, so Joe's mum sighed and supposed she'd let the boys go out and play for a little while.

   Joe's wearing a navy blue raincoat which he's buttoned up all the way, and waterproof trousers over his jeans which he's tucked into his wellington boots. Maisie looks down at her stripy leggings which are damp and don't keep the cold out very well, and regrets not wearing a thicker pair of trousers. Her faded pink and floral wellies don't do a very good job of keeping out the rain as they're too wide around the ankles and keep filling up with water.

   Alongside Joe is his little brother, Max, who's seven and always insists on tagging alongside his big brother, and his next door neighbour Mark. Joe and Maisie are the same age, while Mark is one year older than them. Mark's wrapped up in a camouflage green coat, with black trousers and wellies, while Max is head to toe in hats, scarves and thick layers to keep him warm.

   Maisie's hanging around the edge of the forest, which sits by the boys' neighbourhood, waiting for them. The moment she sees the three of them heading down the footpath towards her she immediately feels her stomach flipping with excitement. She has so many amazing things planned for today: sword fighting, tree climbing, treasure hunts, saving the world from aliens! The list goes on!

   "I can only play for an hour, Maisie!" Mark says as the boys near towards her.

   "What?" Maisie responds, the frustration clear on her face. "But we were going to do so many fun things today!"

   Mark shrugs and sniffs. "Mum wants me home by three before it starts getting dark. You guys can come over and play on the Xbox though! And we're having pizza!"

   The promising offer of Maisie's favourite food lights up her grumpy mood and a huge smile stretches on her face.

   "Excellent!" she grins.

   After several minutes, the children have stopped conversing and are now battling against each other, holding their sticks like rifles and pretending to shoot one another. The rain's definitely a lot less heavy now, but the puddles still ripple violently and droplets splash off of leaves. Maisie and Joe are the Bandits, who love to shoot and kill anyone who gets in their way, while Mark and Max are the Outlaws, their rival gang who loot houses and break into banks. Maisie runs and roly-poly's under a hedge, where she crouches low to the ground. Her eyes pierce through a gap in the leaves, preying on her enemies who are shooting at her partner in crime. Joe is ducking and diving through the trees, carefully dodging any imaginary bullets that come his way. Quivering from the cold, her frozen fingers lock tightly around its shaft and aim at Mark who's looking around for her. This is her chance! Maisie runs out and charges, firing her weapon at Mark's chest.

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