Part 11

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Obi-Wan, Rex, and Cody took a step through the gate onto what looked like a transparent bridge. There were many pathways that lead to different circles, and the only way you could really tell that you were standing on something was because of a white outline. In the connection point of all the main paths stood a pedal stool, and on it was a hilt. Obi-Wan walked toward it and held the object, and it formed into a dagger. They all walked out of the mystical room, and the Maidens got off where they were standing locking the door.

"If you want to save your friends, we need to go now," Fall said.

"Fall and Summer, go with them on their ship," Winter said, "Spring and I will use a different path, we can sneak up on the Son by doing that."

'I wonder what the others are doing,' Rex thought.


Using her semblance, she basically flew up the wall. She hadn't shown many others her special ability yet, because she didn't trust them with that information. 'Who knows what they would do? Maybe they would try finding Remnant to force it into the Republic, or maybe they would just kill everyone by believing they are too much of a threat,' Ruby thought. She stopped using her rose petals and just climbed at the very end. There she saw Ahsoka and Anakin fighting. Anakin was pleading with the Togruta to stop, but she didn't listen. Ahsoka's eyes were yellow, and she had very visible black veins. After lighting her silver blade, Ruby dashed at Ahsoka knocking the Togruta to the ground when she was distracted.

"How did you know that we were in trouble?" Anakin asked.

"What does 'the Son took Ahsoka' sound like to you?" Ruby replied.

"Where are Rex and Cody?" he said.

"They went looking for Master Obi-Wan," she said, "What exactly was your plan? Or did you not think of that yet?"

"I just wanted to find Ahsoka!" Anakin yelled, "She is not staying down." Ahsoka ran at them lighting both of her blades. He and Ruby were easily able to block the weapons, but they didn't want to hurt her, while Ahsoka didn't mind slicing at them.

"What happened to her?" Ruby asked.

"The Son showed me the truth about everything!" Ahsoka said while laughing.

"Who is the Son?" Ruby said, "Did he show you the truth, or make you believe everything he says like a puppet?" Ahsoka only glared at her and tried to swing for her head, but Ruby managed to block it.


They were flying in a horrible thunderstorm and they couldn't fly any higher without an extremely high risk of being struck by lightning. In the dark night sky, they saw something, it was glowing, and it was flying right at them. Of course, it was the daughter, and she was trying to knock their ship out of the sky. 

"Fall we need to distract her," Summer said, "Let's go!"

"But she will kill you!" Obi-Wan interjected, "She is far more powerful than both of you!"

"On this planet, the dagger is capable of making any force users unable to use it," Fall said, "If the daughter gets the dagger our fates are sealed." After saying this they leaped out of the ship. Obi-Wan had no choice but to continue without them.

They flew to the tower, and they could see three people fighting. They landed there and they ran toward Anakin and Ruby.

"Great you finally came," Anakin said, and Ruby responded to that comment.

"At least they managed to come without crashing the ship," Ruby said, "We saw the remains of your one. So did you find anything that may help us in this predicament?"

"Yes, I did," Obi-Wan said holding up a dagger, "We are going to cut her loose from the Son's grasp."

"Okay... Um, how do you plan on doing that?" Ruby said, "You aren't going to stab her, are you? We aren't trying to kill her after all!"

"I guess we must kill the Son," Anakin said.

"WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?!?" Ahsoka yelled, "GIVE IT TO ME!" Ahsoka tried to flip and grab the dagger but was stopped by laser fire. Rex and Cody were blasting at her trying to keep her away but not kill her.

Just then, two ladies were knocked out of the window, and they were Winter and Spring. Out came the Son who just laughed.

"You thought not coming on the ship with them was enough to sneak up on me?" he laughed at them.

"I am guessing that is the Son," Ruby said.

While they were all distracted Ahsoka managed to steal the blade from Obi-Wan. She gave it to the Son, and he just smiled saying that she outlived her usefulness and killed her. Ruby ran at the Son for killing her friend, but he electrocuted the girl, knocking her out. With the dagger in hand, he attempted to stab Winter in the back, but Spring jumped in the way. The blade went right through her stomach, and she fell limp on the floor. 

"NO!" he screamed.

"I forgive you for everything..." Spring said smiling. The Son removed the blade from the woman's body and screamed looking at his hands and the dagger and transformed into a bat with the dagger still in his claws.

Winter managed to get back up and ran to dying her sister, and Mortis was decaying around them. "Do not hate him, sister," Spring said, "This is just his nature."

Obi-Wan ran to Ruby and Anakin ran to Ahsoka, Ruby was just unconscious but Ahsoka wasn't as lucky. Anakin couldn't feel her in the force, and when he checked her pulse he knew she was dead. "Can you do anything?" Anakin asked Winter.

"I am afraid not," Winter said with a sad expression on her face, "Without my sister, no life on Mortis will decay, and there is no hope for your friend."

"But there is always hope!" Anakin insisted. He noticed that the dying Spring whose glowing eyes were flickering grabbed her sister's arm. They sensed a force signature behind them, and they saw it was Fall.

"Fall, you are the opposite of Spring," Winter said, "You are capable of granting my sister's last wish." Fall nodded and walked toward them.

Fall stood up and gestured Anakin to come. She stood up as Anakin sit down in front of her, and she started talking. "As the final wish of Spring, the bringer of life, I as Fall, the bringer of death, will spare them from death," as she spoke she was making hand movements that Anakin copied. A light transferred from Spring to Ahsoka going through Anakin, and it was blinding. Spring's body turned into glowing green dust and it all disappeared. Nothing happened, making Anakin extremely sad, but then he started to hear coughing.

"What is wrong?" Ahsoka asked.

"Nothing," said Anakin, and he hugged her.

"Where is Summer?" Winter said.

"She is dead," Fall said, "The Daughter killed her."

"Why was the Son so mad when he killed Spring?" Anakin asked, "Doesn't he need to kill you all to escape?"

"He doesn't need to kill us all he needs to at least kill four out of five people," Winter said, "The fifth one would be his father."

"That still doesn't explain why he would care about Spring," Obi-Wan replied.

"She was like the sister he always wanted," Fall said, "She was always there for him still believing there was light in him, and she wished to convince him to not allow himself to be consumed by darkness."

"Now the siblings have only two in their way," Winter said.

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