Number 12 Grimmauld Place

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(Image not mine)

The wind whipped my hair as we zipped through the clouds. I had never flown this high and this far before out of fear that muggles would notice me. Now I regret not doing it sooner. Even though my hands were freezing from the cold water droplets and the sharp wind, the freedom of it all was overwhelming.

"Just over this grouping!" Alastor shouted over the wind, gesturing down to the group of buildings below us.

I looked past him to a maze of townhomes. In the center of them, a square park offered a good amount of coverage to land without muggles noticing. That is if we did it fast enough.

"Why did I agree to this," Lucy groaned, beginning to tilt her broom handle down towards the park. "This is terrifying."

"You'll do fine," I insisted, picking up speed.

"Race you to the bottom!" Ed shouted, zipping past me and the others in front of us, much to their annoyance.

"L/n, don't you dare-" Alastor began but was cut off when I flew past him.

I kept picking up speed, angling straight for the cluster of trees. Steering to fly next to Ed as we dived, I grinned excitedly, the competitive side of me coming out. He smirked and urged his broom to go faster until he was well ahead of me. One of the many perks of having an expensive broom.

He ended up reaching the ground first after crashing through the trees and yanking up to stop a few inches before a crash landing. I did the same, stopping nearly upside-down. My trunk slid off the handle and dropped onto the grass with a dull thunk.

Ed whistled, standing up to stretch, "I think we did pretty well. Even Krum would be impressed."

"I think Victor Krum's approval is the least of your worries," a gruff voice threatened, "I'd be better off without the both of you if it weren't for that stubborn old man."

Alastor and the others had landed a couple of yards away, brooms in hand. Each of them had a disapproving glare. I suddenly regretted all of my misdoings when I saw Peter's glare. It was an exact replica of the famous 'disappointed dad' glare. Terrifying.

"Let's get a move on, then," Susan said purposefully, confidently walking past us to a dingy metal gate that led onto the street. "We're late."

"Two minutes late won't kill them," Ed mumbled.

Alastor hobbled past us and onto the street after checking to make sure there were no muggles. After he gave us the okay, we followed him to the front gate of one of the townhomes. I inspected the various homes, not sure where they ended and began. They all looked identical; from the neatly-trimmed bushes to the old grey bricks. The only oddity was the house numbers went from eleven to thirteen.

"Where's number twelve?" I questioned.

Without an answer, I watched in odd fascination as Alastor raised his cane to hit it against the pavement three times. It was awkwardly silent for a moment before the sound of shifting stones came from the building in front of us. Before my eyes, the building expanded between numbers eleven and thirteen, revealing number twelve Grimmauld Place.

"Oh, there it is,"

Alastor moved to the side to open up the front gate, "In you go,"

Peter and Susan walked through first, knocking on the dark wood door. Lucy gratefully followed after them, leading Ed and me. We stood quietly at the door before it swung open abruptly. A tall, skinny man with bright red hair stood in the doorway.

"Ah! You're back. Molly was beginning to worry." He stepped aside to let us in, "Come in, come in."

The two oldest followed Alastor inside. The red-haired man turned to us, his eyes immediately falling on me with great interest. "You must be Y/n. I hope your journey was alright. They told me you know how to ride a broom well."

Unseen Realities ~ Edmund x Reader Hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now