Young With Scabby Knees

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(Image not mine)


"Come on, Lucy!" I shouted over my shoulder.

Students grumbled as I pushed past them, desperately trying to reach the grand doors at the other end of the corridor. Dressed in muggle clothes, the witches and wizards slowly made their way down the corridor, idly chatting with friends they hadn't seen since last year.

"Excuse me, pardon me," Lucy trailed after me, apologizing to anyone she bumped into.

I huffed in annoyance when a particularly large Gryffindor blocked the space in front of me. Bouncing on the balls of my feet, I tapped his shoulder quickly, "Excuse me, I need to get by."

He acted as if I had just told him I was carrying a jar of billywig slime. After an annoying amount of grumbling, he stepped to the side. However, my path was quickly cut off again when a herd of students rushed to the right side of the corridor, leaning out the windows and gawking at something in the sky.

"What are they on about?" Lucy had finally caught up to me and peered curiously over the heads of some second years.

"It looks like a carriage," I shrugged, more so preoccupied with my need to get to the Great Hall quickly.

Lucy audibly gasped when I started running down the hall again. "You can't just keep going as if a massive flying carriage is no big deal!"

"We're late, Lu!"

"Coming, coming."

Pushing past the last of the students, I ran into the cold stone castle. Taking a sharp left, Lucy and I sprinted down the long hall, past portraits of old wizards and witches and the occasional startled ghost. We flew down the flights of stairs that lead to the main floor and quickly scrambled into the Great Hall.

Teachers and house-elves were fixing the last touches in the grand room. Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout fussed around a few candles that were floating too high, and Professor Snape spent his time glaring at the few utensils that appeared slightly crooked. When we barged in, poor Professor Flitwick whirled on us, looking stressed as he stood next to Professor Dumbledore.

"There you are!" He cried, flinging his hands in the air. "Pevensie, L/n! Where have you been? Never mind that. Hurry up and get ready, we have only a few minutes!"

"Yes, Professor!" We shouted from across the room.

Lucy sprinted to the far end of the Great Hall where a small door stood behind the teachers' table. There, she flung open the door and disappeared into the darkness, reappearing a moment later holding an abnormally large toad. She repeated the process until thirteen shaken toads sat on the floor.

I hurried past Professor Flitwick and Professor Dumbledore where they stood chatting near the rest of the choir group. Dumbledore looked like his usual jolly self, raising random questions now and then regarding the state of the giant squid in the Black Lake or the strange customs of the muggles during this time of year. I found it greatly amusing that he spoke of muggles as casually as speaking about the weather.

Quickly pulling my robes off a stand against the wall, I shrugged it on over my muggle clothes to hide the fact that I hadn't had time to change. Other students had the same problem and struggled to fasten their buttons while anxiously going over the lyrics of the song. I noticed a few new members of the choir group and said a quick hello to some of them.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Lucy struggling to carry all thirteen toads to their designated spots on the side of the room. I chuckled as she pulled out her wand to whack the head of one of the more troublesome toads in frustration.

Unseen Realities ~ Edmund x Reader Hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now