The Name of The Game

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(Image not mine)

The Annual Snowball Fight. It was a tradition that has lasted since the creation of Hogwarts. Every winter break, three days are dedicated to the tournament. Each day has one round that usually lasts over an hour. There are two teams, one for girls and one for boys. If you didn't fit into those categories you got to choose which team you were on for the game.

Since the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students are visiting this year, the teams will be much bigger. Part of me wondered just how well the Beauxbatons girls would fare against the Durmstrang boys who've lived in the constant snow for years. But then I remembered how competitive they are.

I tugged on my waterproof gloves which I had enchanted purely for this event. The rest of my body was bundled in my warmest clothes to make sure I wouldn't freeze during this game. It usually got pretty intense given the fact that the participants were wizards.

"Are you ready to crush this?" Lucy beamed, trudging through the deep snow to where I stood.

"Absolutely," I pulled out my wand, "I've spent the past few days perfecting the freezing charm."

"I perfected that one ages ago," Lucy flipped her hair in a showoff manner. "This time, I've been working on the aguamenti spell."

"Will that even work on snow?" I questioned, adjusting my hat.

She shrugged, "No idea, but I hope so."

I shook my head and followed her to the crowd of girls gathered on one side of the snowy field. There must have been at least two hundred. The other side of the field held the same amount of boys, scurrying around like a colony of ants.

I turned to the clock tower in the distance. It was five minutes until noon which is when the game would begin. A flurry of red robes caught my eye and I looked down to where Madam Hooch was strutting out from the castle.

"Alright!" She called before blowing into his whistle. "I want a nice, fair game, you hear? No crossing the midline and absolutely no brooms. When I blow my whistle in five minutes, you may begin."

The excited clamour of students could be heard from the other side of the castle. This was the day that everyone had been waiting for all break. I lined up with the other girls in a neat line with one foot in front of the other, ready to break into a run. On the opposite side, I recognized a bunch of faces, one more familiar than the rest.

Edmund crouched low, his wand out. For some stupid reason, he wasn't wearing a hat or scarf and wore his usual wool gloves. He was going to freeze.

"At the ready!" Madam Hooch watched the clock, whistle at her lips. As soon as the first bell tolled, she blew harshly and we began.

I sprinted forward with about thirty other girls, whipping my wand at the other team. A flurry of snow burst into the air at the midline, hiding us from their view. A few other girls followed my lead until the entire field was split in half.

Shouts of confusion rang out from the other side, most of them with thick accents. I laughed and ran back to where most of the others were. I joined Lucy behind the beginnings of a snow fort and hurried to form a few snowballs.

"Show off," she smiled, "Every year you manage to outdo everyone."

"I'm just that spectacular," I grinned, peeking over the wall to see that the snow was blowing away. "Duck!"

Just in time, Lucy dove behind the wall, letting a snowball sail past her and hit a seventh year in the face. I laughed while Lucy apologized. Reaching over the wall, I pointed my wand at the nearest fort on the other side.

Unseen Realities ~ Edmund x Reader Hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now