6 | Escapees

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Will shifted in his chains, staring down at the dirty ground. He didn't know how long it had been, what the time was. Nothing ever changed down here, just constant darkness and the dim flickering light of torches on the walls.

It started off with him just being locked up in the attic of the Big House which was awful enough. A few days or so later Chiron came in and beat him to the ground, blindfolding and gagging him. Will was taken somewhere, gods' knows where, and thrown into a cell. A dungeon.

Each day someone, usually a muscular Ares camper like Clarisse or Sherman, would come in and torture Will. They'd punch and kick and beat up Will, making him beg for mercy. That's the only way Will kept a somewhat sense of time, how many times someone would come in to torture him.

Lost in his thoughts, Will suddenly tensed when he heard feet padding against the dirt floor of the dungeon. He braced himself, preparing for whatever was to come. Surprisingly though, it was... Hazel.

He wasn't specifically surprised about the Hazel part, she could definitely beat him up, he was surprised about her outfit. She wore a simple pair of jeans and a purple Camp Jupiter shirt with a black cloak flowing over her shoulders, the hood of it resting over her head. So far every demigod Will had seen was wearing the 'uniform of Aphrodite.'

She however, quite clearly, was not.

"Hazel?" Will frowned in confusion.

"Will," Hazel replied, leaning against the cell bars, her eyes darting around anxiously.

"Are you not... are you not under Nico's spell?" Will furrowed his eyebrows.

"No, thank Jupiter," Hazel sighed with relief, "Nico couldn't bring himself to do anything to me, to make me a servant. At least there's some human in him yet. But he's still not my brother. He and Aphrodite put a curse over camp. No one can leave or enter, except for Nico and Aphrodite of course. Figures."

"Wow," Will said, looking down at his lap. His vision suddenly blurred as tears began to water his eyes. He looked up, forcing himself to make contact with the golden eyed girl. "Hazel, what are we... what are we going to do?"

"I don't know," Hazel bit her lip, looking away. She couldn't bring herself to look into his broken blue eyes. "I - I came as soon as I found out where the dungeon was. I can get you out of the cell, but not out of Camp."

"The chains too?" Will frowned, raising his wrist as high as the chains allowed him. He tried his best to wipe his tears away, but it wasn't exactly easy with the, well, chains.

"I think you've forgotten I specialize in metal bending," Hazel smiled softly. She raised her hand and the metal of Will's chains slowly began to bend apart before breaking completely. The process repeated itself until Will was freed completely. Will hurried to his feet, rubbing his raw skin where the chains had been locked.

"Thank you," The words breathlessly escaped his lips. To be quiet honest, he never had hope that he'd ever actually escape the dungeons. He didn't think anyone would find him, come for him.

"No problem," Hazel grinned, already working on bending the bars of the cell apart, "I'm getting you out of here. We're saving my brother, if it's the last thing I do."

Sorry for the crappy chapter guys. I don't know about you, but I kinda hate how it was paced and written and feels like it makes no sense, I might have to rewrite it, let me know what you guys think.

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