7 | Torture Time

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Just a warning, this chapter is a lil violent.

"You're so cute when you're submissive," Nico smirked, stroking Percy's hair. The two were cuddled on Percy's bed, an activity that they seemed to enjoy partaking in.

"Whatever makes you happiest," Percy mumbled, cuddling his head into Nico's chest.

"I have to admit though," Nico said, reclining, "I'm getting quite bored. What do you say we go have some fun with my toys? Break them to the point of no recovery?"

"I told you, Neeks," Percy said, looking up at Nico with a goofy smile, "Whatever makes you happiest."

"Excellent," Nico purred.

Aphrodite, Nico said, summoning the love goddess. I need you to make something for me.

Of course, dear Nico. Whatever is it? Aphrodite said. It was obvious she was smirking, even though you couldn't see her.

A torture chamber, Nico answered simply.


Nico smirked, grabbing Percy's hand and setting out to find Jason and Piper. Nico had easily taken over the entire camp, making everyone his mindless slaves. Piper and Jason mindlessly stood by the Zeus cabin, waiting for orders just like everyone else.

"You two," Nico said, pointing at the couple, "Come with me."

The two obliged, not having a choice. Nico shamelessly led the two to his "torture chamber" in the Big House. He ordered Jason to lay down on a his stomach with his back facing up on a steel table, strapping him down. He proceeded to force Piper in a metal chair of sorts that faced directly where Jason sat. Her head was strapped back so she was unable to move it, along with her wrist and legs strapped to the chair as well.

"When I snap my fingers, you'll completely break from the spell, returning to your normal selves," Nico explained. He did said thing, causing Piper and Jason to immediately jerk around.

"Nico! Percy!" Piper said, eyes wide. "You guys have to get us out of here!"

Nico let out a cold laugh, shocking both Piper and Jason. "You think I actually care about you?" He scoffed. "You're pathetic, self-absorbed losers who never actually cared for me, I should give you the same treatment."

Piper averted her eyes to Percy who calmly watched from the side. "Percy! Percy, come on! I have no idea what's happening but you have to let us go! You have to!"

"He can't hear you Piper," Nico smirked.

"Nico," She said steadily, "Let. Us. Go."

"Charmspeak doesn't work on me, Pipes. I'd suggest not trying that again," Nico tilted his head. "Now your mother doesn't want me to kill you, what a shame, but she never said anything about your precious lover boy."

Piper's eyes widened with somehow even more fear. "Don't you dare hurt him!" She screamed. Well, tried. Her voice was trembling with fear.

"Nah, I think I will," Nico said lowly, turning around towards Jason and drawing his sword.

"No!" Piper screamed. "N-"

"Piper, you're unable to speak, or make any noise whatsoever. You have to watch your lover suffer... in silence. Don't blink, don't close your eyes, don't take your eyes off him. I want you to see this."

Piper's eyes widened and she opened her mouth, but no words came out.

"Now Jason," Nico smiled sickly, tracing his blade over Jason's back but not drawing any blood, planning out where he would slice. "Have you heard of the blood eagle?"

When Jason didn't respond, Nico took it upon himself to continue. "The  blood eagle comes from ancient Nordic legends of Viking executions. The condemned's back was slashed as to give access to the ribs, which were then broken and twisted upward to look like wings. To add even more pain to the injury, salt was poured into the wound. And as a final blow, the lungs were pulled out and draped over the rib-wings for effect. It was brutal and disgusting, but admittedly very creative. I wonder how Piper would react if I did that to you..."

Nico raised his sword, bringing it down on Jason back and making an incision on it, cutting a large gash in it, blood pouring out onto to the floor.

Nico wasn't holding back.

He would do whatever he needed to to gain power, and if that meant killing the son of Zeus, then so be it.

And that's exactly what he did.

He did the blood eagle on Jason if any of you are confused, I was too lazy to go into details. And yes! I am still alive! Surprised?

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