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what really matters, is what happens after the moment is gone.

when passion and pleasure and pain overtake every part of their minds and bodies, it doesn't matter.

it is right there, it's happening, it doesn't matter.

what really matters is what happens with the remains.

meredith does the aftermath and finds a couple bones missing

and she briefly remembers tom riddle touching her, his hands traveling on her body stealing her bones, making her melt

his lips on her lips and her neck and her chest and her hips, his lips everywhere

and the pain is present

and her bones are not.

she wished she had heard the crack they did when he turned them into dust but she didn't.

meredith does the aftermath and she finds two new islands resting on her collarbones

two ugly, beautiful bruises

beautiful because they are purple

and ugly because they are not every color

in another life, with another person she would call them love bites

but what she does with tom riddle is not love

it's pain

and love has no room and no meaning in pain.

instead, she calls them marks

when she feels everyone's eyes focusing on them and then looking at tom

because even though they don't know they actually do.

people are talking and she doesn't mind, people always talk

but oscar is sad

and olive is furious

and meredith is just tired and she has two new islands on her collarbones and she might be drowning and she might be dying and is pain worth everything?

is pain worth having tom riddle's lips tracing paths on her tired skin?

meredith does the aftermath.

she's missing half her bones and she has two bruises and tom is beside her.

pain is there as well, like always, but for the first time, it doesn't feel as important.

because meredith always knew she would die one day

and she always thought that pain will kill her

but in the arms of tom riddle,

she has found a new death.

sometimes, she allows herself the pleasure of being honest

and then she cries and screams and thinks and isn't so stoic anymore and pain really gets her after all and she doesn't know if she can take it.

and she's human, for once,

a mixture of bones and blood and sin and guilt and misery

and she's alive and weeping and pain is terrifying and she's tired, so tired.

but after these moments are gone, she's herself again, sad and strong and lying.

but if she's honest with herself, dying with a few bones missing, a couple new bruises and a beating heart, is a nice death.

meredith does the aftermath and decides that this is how she wants to go.

sometimes, she feels tom riddle's hands around her neck and wishes they were a rope.

pain took her when she was a girl and left her being a hole.

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