she went to breakfast the next day trying to understand what had happened the day before.
tom riddle talked to her.
tom riddle asked her three questions.
tom riddle stared at her while kissing olive.
she didn't have time to process the facts. someone touched her arm softly.
she knew this touch. only one person would touch her like that, like she deserved softness, even though her body had rejected this feeling.
she was made of edges, softness was a luxury she couldn't afford.
she turned around and her blue eyes met oscar's green ones.
oscar van hale was maybe one of the most beautiful boys she had ever laid her eyes on.
a true gryffindor, brave and stubborn, but also kind and sweet, with brown curls that would sometimes hide his emerald eyes.
she briefly remembered the way she had pulled his curls the night before while moaning into his mouth and she grinned.
i had a great time last night.
the words slipped out of his tongue like honey and she found herself stuck in them.
me too.
eyes on eyes. blue on green. it was like a fucking painting.
do you want to do it again?
she never slept with the same boy more than a couple times but she had became almost a regular on his bed, and she would never say that to him but she liked having his scent all over her body, along with traces of his kisses and caresses, more than she had ever liked someone else's touch.
i like when you touch me. it makes me feel like there's hope and that scares me. i hate it when you touch me.
i wouldn't mind if it happened again.
she replied, although she wanted to scream that she would love to have him inside her again, looking into his green eyes from as close as possible, noticing how they would turn slightly a different color when he orgasmed.
but she completely chose to ignore the way the boy's eyes were full of happiness every time she laid beside, or under or on top of him and how many times he whispered sweet words of love and passion in her ear when she was fast asleep.
she chose to ignore those things even though she knew, because it was the only way to continue seeing him in the way she wanted. she had to be oblivious to what he wanted.
love was too soft for her or maybe she was too broken for love.
and that seemed to work just fine until he touched her face softly and whispered
come to hogsmeade with me.
and she had to say no but she wanted to say yes
and all she could think of was kissing him.
from the corner of her eye she caught a pair of dark eyes staring at her.
without realizing it, she was staring back at him, her lips being captives of another boy, oblivious to what was happening behind his back and her eyes were at the mercy of tom riddle.
she couldn't look oscar in the eyes when they broke the kiss.
she knew tom riddle smirked.

enigmatic |t.r.|
Fanfictionyou choke me and i can suddenly breathe. tom riddle x oc wattpad 2020 a story by @sixofghosts