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When Anna returned, her friends were saying are you going to beat her up, teach her a lesson, maybe we could jump her when she walks home from school. Anna said no I am going to make sure that bitch is totally humiliated. I have the most perfect idea for my revenge. She will wish she never crossed me and went after my man.  Tom was grieving, and was so happy that Anna was home. He met her at the airport, but she turned on the water works, crying, accusing him of cheating, telling him that he was using her for sex, making a fool of her. He didn't understand why she was saying this, so she told him what she had heard, that he had been spending the last 2 weeks with Michelle. Going to eat, and giving her a ride to and from school.  He apologized, and said I assure you, it was nothing. She is a kind nice girl. I feel bad for her, she doesn't have any friends, and she really helped me out, supporting me by poems, and nice postings about grief, and loved ones in heaven.  Trust me there is no way I would ever want to date her.  I really like you. You are my girl. He wanted to go be alone, at her family's beach house, and go have sex.  He told her he really needed her.  She said well how bad did he want her, would he be willing to do what she wanted. She withheld sex from him, teased him with it, until he agreed to do what she wanted.  He really didn't want to do it, but he was grieving, and he wanted her, needed to feel comfort.  He hated himself for going along with it, and thought that he could talk her out of it.  But she refused, and then said that if he didn't do it, she would send his mom pictures of the two of them having sex.  He decided he had to do it, but he would be able to explain and fix things.

Her plan was to stage a fake breakup. Have him walk  in on her making out at school with one of the football players, who was a close friend of her family's. Tom was supposed to be heart broken, and humiliated.  Then he was to reach out and call Michelle and ask her to go talk. So he tried to talk Anna out of it, but he couldn't. The day came to stage the fight, Tom felt sick about doing this, and he wanted to explain to Michelle in private. But he didn't  couldn't find the words. He ran out of time.  Michelle was heartbroken for Tom. Tom said she had a very kind soul, and really could help and make a person feel better. The plan was for Tom to hang out with Michelle, and then ask Michelle out. To ask her to the prom. So Tom felt sick about doing it, but he went by her house, and asked Michelle to go to dinner, and said I really couldn't have made it thru the last months without your support, would you go to the prom with me.

Michelle could not believe what she was hearing. She said excuse me Tom.  I don't think I heard you right.  He said you did. I want to take you to prom.  You have been a great sweet supportive friend. I want to return the favor. Michelle couldn't believe it. She said I never dreamed that you could actually want to take me to the prom.  I have no words, it is a magical dream come true.  I know you don't love me, nor will you ever, but just to go to prom with you, means the world to me. It is worth all the pain my whole life. So yes.  I would love to.

Michelle was working 2 jobs. Working full time at the mall, and then babysitting for her boss, and church members and neighbors. Michelle was the sole provider, as her mom's money that she got for selling herself, went for her drugs and alcohol. Her mom was never home, and Michelle had to pay for the utilities, lights was about all she could afford. Plus food. Michelle was saving money back, cause she was hoping that she could buy an old junk car, so that she didn't have to walk or take the bus.  She wanted to buy a pretty beautiful dress, and wanted to get her hair done, so she took all the money she had saved, and bought something at the mall, with her store discount at Macy's. 

Tom kept trying to talk Anna out of this. He said it is not right. Michelle is a sweet girl. She means no harm to you or us. She is  not a threat. Please don't do this. She said if he didn't go thru with it, she would post sex videos with Michelle's face on them, and send them to all the high school jocks. He said you are a real bitch.  The plan was for Tom to ditch her at the prom, and then be back with Anna. Prom day arrived. Michelle felt like Cinderella. She couldn't believe the most handsome boy she had ever seen was her date to the prom. She went and got her hair done, at the Salon Knotty at the mall. An expensive salon, she had never been in. It was $ 30.00, but worth it. She went home and got dressed. She wished just once she had someone in her family, like her mom, that wanted to take her picture. Tom called and her heart dropped. She thought oh no he is going to cancel. She said Tom are you canceling.  He said no I just have some bad news, it isn't that bad. He felt sick to his stomach

He said my mom needs me to do something for her, you know we are having trouble with my dad's pension, it still hasn't come thru, and we are behind in bills, and I have to go out of town like 30 minutes away and talk to the guy, who wants his money, for some bills that my parents had. I need to give him some money as a down payment, and reassure him, he will get his money. This part was true, but Tom had already done that. Michelle said I understand you can't make it. It's no big deal. He said no I will be back, but just not in time to take you to dinner, I am so sorry. Believe me Michelle, I really wish I could. Would you be able to get to the school on your own. I promise I will be there, but I am going to be late like a few minutes. I can meet you right at 8. I will be there.  Michelle said sure no problem.  Michelle walked to the school, she left early so she would get there on time. It looked like rain, and she was saying please don't let it rain. But it started raining as she walked.  She tried to run, but she got all wet, and her hair was ruined.  She almost decided she just couldn't go in, cause she was wet and her hair was wet. But she didn't want to let Tommy down. He was so nice to ask her, so she went on in. She said I will wait inside, because it was raining.  When  she opened the door, everyone turned to stare, and started laughing at her. Tom was dancing with Anna, and kissing her on the dance floor. She was horrified.  She started to leave, but Anna's friends grabbed her, Anna came over and had Tom's hand. She said you are so pathetic and so stupid retarded actually, that you thought, actually believed a hot guy like Tom Hanson, would want to take an ugly fat girl like you to prom. Look at your face, your pimpled face, your broken ugly teeth.  Tom said Anna enough. She said no Tom. I am having my payback.  Michelle was crying.  She said you know Michelle this is all your fault. I let you be in love with my man, but you should have stayed away. The minute I head out of town, you are over at his house, going out with him, being supportive, asking him for rides to work and school. So I decided that if Tom wanted me back, he would have to prove it, by going along with my revenge plot.  And as you can see Tom wanted me back.  Michelle was crying. Anna said this whole thing was staged. Tom and I never broke up. I never cheated on Tom with Steve. It was all a set up. And you bought it. Hook, line, and sinker, just like the fool you are, just like I knew you would.  I ran out crying.  Tom started to come after her, but she said Tom Hanson don't you dare, or else I hit send. He stopped.

Tom said fine. They danced. He said you are a bitch Anna. After tonight we are thru. I don't want to have sex with you.  She said oh sure you don't. He said I don't. He had tried to talk to Michelle, but when he went to her house the next day, no one answered. He thought well I will call, but Michelle never answered.  He said he would wait and talk to her at school, he would apologize, and explain the threats and blackmail.  But when school came on Monday, Michelle was not there. He grew worried.  He went to her house, and then no answer, so he went to the mall, and went to Macy's. But her boss said that Michelle had called and quit.

Michelle that night decided that she could not ever go back to that school, that she hated that town, and every one in it, especially Tom and Anna. She called her mom's aunt. She lived in Dallas Tx. She was in her 70's. Her mom's aunt had tried to raise her mom, but with the drug use and alcohol abuse, she cut her aunt off. So Michelle didn't really know her Aunt Marie.  She called her and asked if she could please please come see her. That if she didn't leave Miami Beach tonight that she would just kill herself. She could not stay one more night in this town. She was in hysterics, crying, and her Aunt Marie said yes sweetie you come on. She gave her her address, and said do I need to send money. Michelle said no I have money to take the bus. Thank you Aunt Marie. I will do anything to help you. I will work 3 jobs, and pay you money. She said no don't worry about it. So Michelle left that night on a bus, headed for a new life in Dallas Texas. 

If anyone is reading, I know this makes Tom Hanson look bad, and I don't think the character Tom Hanson would ever be a party to bullying someone like this. he would have refused. So I apologize for making him look like a jerk. I needed to do it, so that I could have the story line that is coming up with them meeting 6 years later at Jumpstreet in Dallas Tx.  I am changing where Jumpstreet Chapel is.  I am from Dallas, in real life, so that is my favorite place, so that is why I am changing it.