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At 5:30 a.m. Tom got up. He went in bathroom and got dressed.  He came out and sat on the bed and watched Sydney.  He said "Sydney. baby."  She said "Tommy what time is it." He said "5:45 I need go, go back to sleep."  She said "ok you going to see Doug."  He said "yeah I am going to go by my old place talk to him there."  Sydney said "ok."  He said "I love you. You be careful around Booker this morning ok." Sydney said "ok hey Tom, call me to check in and let me know what Doug found out or what the plan is.  Tom said "ok." He left.

Tom went over to his old place.  He had donuts for Doug.  Doug said "Thanks for breakfast."  Tom said "so Doug you get that information for me."  Doug said "yeah you know Booker went to academy same year you did, bounced around had some minor disciplinary problems."  Tom said "yeah he's got problems alright.  I think he raped Tracey Edwards."  Doug said "you're way off base."   Tom said "this guy is a nut ball."  Doug said "maybe he is just good at his job."  Tom said "no one is that good at their job."  Doug said ok maybe he is a bigot, but do you really think he is the only one on the force."  Tom said "he's a bigot who's got a thing for black girls, he's been hitting on Judy."  Doug said "so you got him there he is a heterosexual, come on Judy is a beautiful woman, every one hits on Judy, me, included, well not you, but let's face it you're wanting to get Booker cause he hits on Sydney, that's what this is about."  Tom said "no it's not. Look Booker trying to put the blame on the mother's boyfriend."  Doug said  "well everyone would want to do that."  Tom said "you check him out." He said "yeah the mother's boyfriend has an air tight alibi, with witnesses."  Tom said "I thought so." Tom said "Doug yesterday Booker let something slip, he knew it, I knew it, he tried blow it off."  Doug said "What." Tom said "someone burned Tracey with cigarette, it's not in our report, wasn't released to the press, we weren't allowed to do an examination how come you don't got an answer for that."  Doug said "I do. Look leave it alone."  Tom said what do you mean leave it alone, he raped her."  Doug said "he didn't rape her you're on the wrong track."  Tom said "talk to me Doug what's going on."  Doug said "Greenwell knew about the cigarette burns, he just didn't release that information to the press or to you guys."  Tom said "well Booker isn't on Greenwell's force." Doug said "no."   Tom said "then that proves my point."  Tom said "Penhall talk to me."  Doug said "Booker is IA Internal Affairs, so he has access to Greenwell's files."  Tom stared at him.  Tom said "why."  Doug said "he was sent in to investigate Jump Street."  Tom said "Why."  Doug said "city hall wants to make sure you're not entrapping these kids. He was sent in to sniff you out."  Tom said "Why didn't you tell me."  Doug said "Classified information, look I'm sorry, if they find out I told you I'm gone."  Tom said "nice job."  He turned to leave.  Doug said "Hanson, you be careful with this guy."  Tom left.

Tom drove to Booker's apartment.  He parked down street waited until he saw Booker come out, and  drive off, then Tom got out and went up the steps and broke in.  He searched around Booker's apartment, looking in drawers, until he found a file on Tracey Edwards.  He looked at it, then took it.   Tom called Sydney he said "you on the way to work."  Sydney said "yeah you find out anything from Doug?"  Tom said "yeah kind of ticked at Doug, I mean I thought we were friends, but."  Sydney said "What happened."  He said "Oh I found out some info about Booker, Doug didn't want to tell me, he kept making all these excuses, I could see there was something he knew he wasn't telling me. Doug had crucial information on Booker, and I think he probably knew it from the start based on some stuff he said the other day about he has access to things."  Sydney said "What info."  Tom said "you can't tell anyone this."  Sydney said "Tom you can trust me."  He said "Booker is Internal Affairs."  Sydney said "What why is he at Jump Street then."  Tom said "City hall afraid that I or we are entrapping kids, they sent him in to sniff us out." Tom said "I am headed to the school, talk to the janitor."  Sydney said "ok." The janitor told Tom he saw Booker in bushes that night with black girl.