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Friday night at Jakes, Sydney and Judy went to the ladies room.  Doug said "guys what is wrong with Sal. I stopped in the chapel the other day, he looked pretty down."  Booker said "he's been like that all week, a good reason not to get married." Harry said "he having problems with his wife huh. I feel bad for the guy."  Booker said "I know what he needs. a beautiful lady to cheer him up, boost his ego."  Tom said "he's married you idiot." Booker said "I'm not talking that ok, I'm just saying like lunch with a beautiful lady, she can talk to him listen to him like he is interesting, laugh at his jokes, you know give him an ego boost make him feel better about himself"  Doug said "Well that would work. but where are we going to find a beautiful woman who would sit and talk to Sal and listen and laugh at his jokes."  They all looked at Tom.  Tom said "What?"  Booker said "well you've got a sweet girl who is just sweet enough to sit and laugh at Sal's jokes, and make him feel important."  Tom said "no way."  Harry said "she is sweet. She would probably do it."  Tom said "no."  Booker said "Hanson you that insecure with her, that you're jealous of Sal."  Booker laughed.  Tom said "Shut up I'm not jealous of Sal, but I don't want Sal having lunch with Sydney, then getting the wrong idea, thinking that Sydney thinks he is interesting and likes him. I don't even want to get that started."  Doug, Harry, Booker laughed. Harry said "What about Judy."  Tom said "no look she works with him everyday"  Harry said "well there is Dorothy, but she isn't sweet."  Doug said "you got that right."  Harry said this is sad 4 guys and we can't find a girl."   Booker said "I got the perfect girl, she is a friend of mine, Monica is the perfect girl for this, she  is beautiful and she will do it I will tell Sal she is my cousin, I will ask him to sit with her keep her company for lunch until I can get there.."  Sydney and Judy came back.  Tom said "Officer Kramer, can I have a dance."  She said "yes Officer."  He laughed.  Tom had a lot to drink, the guys were doing shots. Sydney said "ok Hanson I think it's time to go. Give me your keys so I can drive." She helped him in the car and home to their apartment. He fell asleep the minute he hit the bed.

Saturday morning Fuller wanted a briefing on new cases coming up.  Everyone was in the office.  Judy and Sydney were in Fuller's office waiting. Booker came in. Said "Sal buddy you think you could do me a big favor."  Sal said "Sure I got nothing to do today, my wife is out of town with the kids."  Booker said  "my cousin is going to be coming and I told her I would take her to lunch, but I kind of have to take care of a little problem, so I'm not sure when I will be able to get to lunch, I'm do there now, but I have this meeting with Fuller, then I got to handle some things.  I can't get a hold of her, do you think you could go and sit at the table with her, just keep her company. Until I get there of course."  Sal said "uh sure I can do that."  Booker said "Thank you so much buddy".  He told him where to go, so Sal left.  Tom said "I don't know if this is a good idea Booker. He is married you know."  Booker said "relax Hanson it's just lunch. I told her to leave after an hour, to just say I can't wait any longer for Dennis I have to go, but thanks for keeping me company.

Saturday night Tom and Sydney had pizza, and were watching a movie on the couch. Sydney had her head on Tom's shoulder.  At 11:00 the phone rang.  Sydney said "that's weird, it's Sal."  Tom looked at Sydney. Sydney said "hey Sal."  Sal said "hey Sydney I'm sorry to bother you, I was wondering if I could talk to Tommy."  Sydney said "sure just a minute."  Sydney said "Tom he wants to talk to you."  Tom said "Hey Sal."  Sal said "Tom I'm sorry it's so late, but I really really need to talk to you."  Tom said "ok talk."  Sal said "no in person." Tom said "tomorrow?"  Sal said "no look it has to be tonight, I'm downstairs outside of Sydney's building."  Tom said "ok I guess I can go outside talk to you."  Sydney said "he outside?" Tom said "yeah says he needs to talk to me that it is important. I won't be long."  Sydney said "just bring him up, you don't need to talk outside, I'm going to be taking a bath and going to bed anyway."  Tom said "ok." Tom said "Sal look I'll come down and get you we can talk upstairs."  Sal said "no that won't work, Sydney can't hear this."  Tom said "Sydney is going to go to bed."  Sal said "ok." Sydney said "Judy and I feel so bad for him, it is so awesome that he has you to talk to Tommy."  She kissed him.  Tom went and got Sal they came in.  Sal said "Hi Sydney. thank you for letting me steal Hanson a minute."  Sydney said "I'm going to bed. night Tommy."  He hugged her she left.