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Sydney said "Tommy say something. Am I are we?"  Tom smiled.  He said "this says you're pregnant and this one the color is pink, so we are having a baby baby."  He grinned.  She said "Oh my God for real Tommy."  Tom nodded.  He showed her.  She was crying so was he.  He said "Michelle I love you."  He kissed her.

Over at the chapel.  Everyone was sitting at their desks.  Doug kept hitting his pencil on his desk. Over and over.  Judy looked at him.  She said "Doug if you do that one more time you may lose your hand."  He said "sorry I'm nervous ok."  Booker said "yeah everyone is nervous. So Judy Sydney has to take Hanson back right. I mean when she finds out he was talking about her."

Judy said "Yeah look she knows that now, I talked to her awhile ago, he told her.  She was shocked."  Harry said "ok then why are you so nervous, Why didn't you tell us that things are good."  She said "look guys they have more to talk about"  Booker said "What do you mean more to talk about."  Judy said "There is one other issue, that may come between them. Sydney won't budge on this so if Tommy. I mean I would be shocked totally floored if what she thinks Tom will do is what he would do."  Booker said "Judy you have lost all of us.  What are you talking about?  Tom loves Sydney he would walk through fire for her."  Harry said "he has walked through fire for her."  

Doug said "So if you're still worried Judy, then this must be big."  She said "It is. But guys I can't tell you ok. I just pray that everything turns out ok. But the longer it goes on, it is making me nervous. I thought for sure she would have called me a couple hours ago."

Booker said "so why don't we call them."  Doug said "I think Booker's right. We need to call."  Harry said "I agree."  Judy said "no guys they need time to talk. If she hasn't called then we have to wait. She may need time to deal with this."  Booker said "Deal with what."  Judy said "you guys you are making me more nervous.  Let's try and get some work done here ok."

Tom kissed Sydney's cheek.  He said "baby I can't believe we made a baby.  May I."  He nodded to her stomach.  She nodded.  Tom lifted up the blanket and kissed her stomach.  he said "Baby this is your daddy. I just wanted to tell you that I love your mommy and I love you so much, and I am going to take very good care of your mommy. I'm so sorry I hurt her and caused her to be stressed but that is all over with."  Tom kissed her stomach.

She put her hand through Tom's hair.  She said "Tommy we are really having a baby."  He said "I know."  He hugged her.   Sydney said "Tommy we should tell your mom."  Tom said "yes let's do a video call. I can't wait to see her face. She will be so excited. I bet she screams."  They laughed.

Tom got out his phone.  Sydney said "Hey babe."  He said "Yeah as he started to dial."  Sydney said "Hanson wait."  Tom said "ok so you change your mind, if you want to not tell her yet it's fine."  She laughed.  She said "No Hanson I want to tell your mom, but are you forgetting something?"  Tom looked at her.  She laughed.  Tom said "Baby I probably am, but I don't know what you're talking about.  I just found out that I'm a dad, well I'm going to be a dad I'm not thinking clear ok.  Geez baby, your mommy is already making fun of me."

They laughed.  Sydney said "Tommy um you can't call your mom right this second cause we're naked."  She laughed.  Tom did too.  He said "right ok yeah so that wouldn't be good.  We need to get dressed."  She said "And I am hungry."  Tom said "right you are pregnant, so you need to eat like a lot, I mean like little meals huh."  Sydney said "yes"  Tom said "ok let's get dressed. What sounds good."  Sydney said "Subway and a chocolate shake."  He smiled.  He said "ok I'll go get you some food."  Sydney said "Thank you Tommy."  He kissed her.  He said "Abby you want to go with me, get mommy some food."  Abby ran to him.  

Sydney said "While you're gone I'm going to go take a bath. I think I need just a little time to really take it all in. I was so scared that it wasn't going to be  cause I wanted it so bad Tommy."  He said "ok you go relax, take a bubble bath ok, but baby please be careful.  I don't want you to slip and fall."  Sydney said "I'll be careful Tom."  He said "you need me to help you."  Sydney said "No I'm fine."