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Sydney went to the chapel. Booker was at his desk.  He said "hey Syd."  She said "hey is Judy in?"  He said "yeah she went to the locker room. So you ok. You look upset."  She said "yeah I'm fine. Please Booker I can't do this right now with you."  He said "ok"  She went in to locker room.  Judy said "hey Sydney."  Sydney burst into tears.  Judy hugged her.  She said "hey what's wrong."  She said "I broke up with Tommy. Well I tried to, but he says he is going to fight me on this."  She said "honey maybe you should reconsider.  I mean I know you think you are doing what's best for him and that you are going to lose him anyway, but what it comes down to is you love him, and he loves you, and he hasn't done anything wrong."

Tom went over to see Doug.  Doug said "you don't look good what's wrong."  Tom said "Sydney she broke up with me."  Doug said "What why over those girls hugging you."  Tom said "yeah no I don't know, she said a lot of stuff. She apologized for getting so upset, and she thinks she is doing this for me, setting me free, doing what's best for me. She said I'm better off with a girl who will treat  me right, have sex with me,"  Doug said "Tom this case was hard on her ok, just don't panic, ok. did she kick you out?"  Tom said "no" Doug said "well just let her cool off, and let her talk to Judy Judy will convince her."  Tom said "But Booker, he will probably take advantage of the situation"  Doug said "look he can't if Sydney loves you which she does."

Booker came to the locker room.  Sydney said "Booker I told you I can't talk about this to you."  He said "I know I'm sorry to interrupt, it's just you have a visitor, she asked for you, and Tom. Tom's not here yet."   Sydney said "I'm sorry I didn't mean to jump all over you. I'm just upset. I want to do what's right for Tommy and he's better off without me. I'm just a bitch."  Booker said "no you're not, and you're the best thing to ever happen to Hanson ok." Sydney went upstairs.  Judy said "'I'll be up in a minute. Booker can you help me with this."  He said "Sure."  Booker said "what do you need."  Judy said "nothing just to talk to you. Look Sydney belongs with Tommy. She is crazy in love with him. And Tommy adores her."  Booker said "i know that." She said "she thinks she is damaged from her past, that she isn't good enough for him. But she wants him. So please don't try and move in on her."  Booker said "i won't.  Look the only way I would ever do that is if he hurt her and cheated on her."  

Sydney went to the girl  It was Noreen Weckerly.  She said "hi Sydney I'm not sure if you remember me."  Sydney said "Noreen Kenny's sister."  She said "yes, I was needing to talk to Tom"  Sydney said "he's not here yet."  She said "can I wait. It's really important, it's like my brother's life depends on it They are hurting him Sydney"  Sydney said "at his rehab place?"  She said "yes he has written me letters of what they are doing to him, they are torturing him, I don't know where to go, so I came here to talk to Tom."  Sydney said "ok give me a minute. I'll get Tom here"

Sydney called Tom. Tom was at Doug's.  Tom said "hey baby, will you please not break up with me."  Sydney said "Tom look we can talk about that later, you need to get to work, you have a visitor and it's really important."  He said "ok I'm on my way, what's wrong, who is it."  Sydney said "Noreen Kenny's sister. She said that they are hurting him at that rehab place."  Tom said "i'll be right there."  Sydney said "Tom's on the way, do you want to come in the office, I'll get you a soda."  She said "ok thanks so much I didn't know where else to go."  

Tom came in.  He said "hey Sydney."  He hugged her.  He said "Noreen, what about Kenny."  She said "he has written me all these letters, this place is terrible, they are torturing him, they beat him, bruise up his body, I'm afraid he's not going to make it, please Tom can you help my brother. His life may depend upon it. Here read these letters"  Tom said "I will look into it, and see what I can do."  She said "ok thank you so much."  She left.

Tom said "Sydney read this"  She did .  She said "Tom you have to help."  He said "where do I start."  She said "I guess let's go see Fuller."  She took his hand.  They went in Fuller's office.  Tom gave him the letter. Told him that Kenny was being abused, tortured.  Fuller said "there's nothing you can do Hanson. I know you want to help, but his parent's made the decision and it's their call where and how they handle their son."  Tom said "But she came to me"  Fuller said "look Hanson  I want you to stay out of this, drying out is not supposed to be fun." Tom said "I feel responsible. I put him there."  Fuller said "Why, because you busted him. Look Hanson you are going to have to stop taking these cases to heart. You're doing your job.  Kenny Weckerly has a drug problem and has had one even before you found him on the bathroom floor overdosed on heroin. His family is helping him. Besides this is out of our jurisdiction, leave it alone."   Tom said "let me just go talk to his parents."  Fuller said "read my lips Hanson forget it, finish your day, take your girlfriend out to dinner, don't go near that family."  They left his office.