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Avalon tosses and turns, half asleep but aware of what's going on around her, and knowing that it's time to get up. She turns one more time to her clock and hits it to turn off the obnoxious alarm echoing through the dorm. She turned back to the other side to see Ingrid gone. Avalon rubs her eyes slowly and sits up and stretches her arms out, hearing the stiff blankets covering her body ruffle from her movements. She looked around for any sign of Ingrid but there wasn't any, she probably just got up and got ready before Avalon. She slowly stood up out of her bed groaning, wearing nothing but one of Fred's old quidditch jerseys that didn't fit him anymore but was huge on Avalon. It hung below her upper thighs and sagged on her torso, barely even touching her skin because of how large it was. She walked over to the bathroom quickly because the floor was cold beneath her bare feet. She stepped onto the white carpet above the tile and started brushing her teeth. As she was about to finish she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist. She looked up in the mirror to see Fred standing tall behind her staring down at her head.

"Good morning my love," he cooed softly, his voice still raspy though from waking up.

"Good morning," Avalon said happily and turned around to face him. He smiled down at her and placed a small kiss on her lips. She felt her cheeks growing red and she turned back around and finished brushing her teeth.

"I still had toothpaste on my mouth you know?" Avalon looked up at him in the mirror as she asked.

"Yeah, it's pretty minty," he joked and Avalon lightly shoved his shoulder laughing.

"Wearing my jersey aye?" he asked, grabbing the cloth gently pulling her closer to him. Avalon shifted towards him pressing her body against his and she could feel his warmth radiating.

"You're quite warm," Avalon said as she looked up at him and met his eyes and he just nodded. She stood up on her tiptoes to reach his lips, planning on leaving just a small kiss but he quickly grabbed her face with his hands and deepened the kiss, tracing his thumb on her cheek. Their lips moved together as he grabbed her by the tops of her thighs and lifted her to the sink and sat her down, a jolt going through her as the cold marble counter touched her skin. He stood between her legs moving one of his hands down her torso and gripping her waist tightly and bringing her in even closer. Avalon pulled away slightly and looked into his eyes which were filled with lust and hopped off the counter.

"We're going to be late, and I haven't even done my makeup yet," she said as she walked away from Fred and towards her shared closet. She swung open the wood doors, making them creak loudly and started sifting through her clothes. Fred came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist again, resting his head on her shoulder.

"Ooh I like that one," He said as he pointed to a deep red cropped tank top. He grabbed it swiftly and let go of Avalon and turned around towards the mirror leaning against the wall. He held the hanger to his neck so the top laid against his chest.

"This would look brilliant on me don't you think," Fred joked. Avalon swung around and yanked the top from his hands and laid it down on her ruffled blankets. She grabbed the bottom hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head leaving her in nothing but her bra and underwear Fred leaned against the wall with his arms crossed.

"I could get used to this," he said with a smirk growing on his face.

"Nothing you haven't seen before Weasley," Avalon said, pulling the top over her chest and pulling it down onto her torso. She grabbed a pair of ripped black mom jeans from her drawer and pulled them onto her legs and turned around to face Fred.

"I may have seen it before, but it never fails to amaze me how beautiful you are," Avalon blushed at his comment as he planted a kiss on the top of her forehead. She grabbed a black belt from the bottom of her wardrobe and pulled it through her belt loops. She turned back into the bathroom and pulled out the drawer with her makeup. The drawer was filled and messy, it always had been, she didn't bother to organize it while she was unpacking because she knew it would be unorganized within days anyways. She pushed through the makeup grabbing a tube of mascara and started applying it. Once she was done she turned to Fred and looked him up and down, a smile creeping onto her face.

"Oh god, what are you thinking of doing Lupin?" He asked curiously as he stepped towards her.

"Let me put some on you,"

"Oh no, definitely not," Fred stammered backing away as Avalon stepped closer and closer towards him.

"Please?" she begged looking up at him with the puppy eyes she knew he adored.

"Fine. But not today!" he said grabbing the mascara and putting it back in the drawer. Avalon huffed and continued her makeup while Fred sat on the edge of the bathtub waiting for her.

Once she was done she threw on her robe and nodded her head towards the door, gesturing Fred to leave with her. He stood up and entangled his hand in hers and they walked down the steps to the common room. She stepped on her tiptoes and searched the crowd of people all wearing the same cloak for a tall ginger and a short blonde. Once she found them she ran through and pushed people out of her way as she got to Ingrid.

"You should've woken me up this morning! I could've been late!" Avalon exclaimed.

"Well you weren't late, now were you," Ingrid reassured.

"Now let's get going or else we'll all be late," she demanded and started heading towards the doors. The twins nodded and followed the two girls practically running out of the common room and into the corridors.

"Potions first right? With Gryffindor and Slytherins?" George asked and Ingrid nodded and Avalon muttered 'yeah, with the Slytherins' under her breath, but luckily for her no one heard. They walked through the corridors, passing by people's conversations and laughter. They got to the class and walked inside, and saw only a few other people in there. All Slytherins though, and they were sitting on the other side of the classroom. The four of them split between two tables beside each other and talked until other students flooded into the classroom, followed by professor Slughorn.

"First day back everyone! Let's start off by getting our books, please head to the back of the class, the books are in the top cabinet to the left," he said and most of the students started getting up and headed towards the back. Avalon stood up, pulled her top down a bit to cover her stomach a bit more and went to grab four books for the group when she was cut off by a tall platinum blonde. Draco Malfoy. The last person she wanted to even encounter today. She shook it off and let him get his books first, but as she was grabbing hers she felt something fall on her feet. She yelped from the pain and looked down to see three books planted right on her feet. She looked up and saw no other than Malfoy with no books in his hand.

"You git!" Avalon yelled and pushed Draco, but he barely moved. She bent down and picked up the books and shoved them into his chest.

"Oh I'm so sorry Lupin," he said as he laughed with the two boys standing behind him. Avalon huffed and continued grabbing her books, deciding to just leave it be until she turned around and he was still standing there.

"What do you want Malfoy?" She practically yelled.

"Ooh someone's feisty, feisty for a slut that is," he said, looking Avalon up and down examining her body.

"I'm sorry, a what?" She asked knowing full well what he said.

"Oh you know exactly what I said Lupin," he spat back. Avalon stepped towards him leaning her face towards his.

"Get the bloody hell away from me." she said as she stepped back again.

"Did you understand that or do I have to repeat it to you're little peabrain hm?" she asked, tilting her head towards the side. Draco sighed and turned around pushing through the two boys behind him so that he'd be in front, leaving Avalon absolutely infuriated. That is why she hated Draco Malfoy. 

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