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The door opened and Fred's wild mane of hair peered through the open crack.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, very unwelcoming.

"Can we talk?" she asked, her fingers twiddling at her stomach nervously.

"I'd rather not," he said before shutting the door but Avalon interrupted him.

"Fred!" she exclaimed, and he opened the door slightly more.

"Please," she added, her hand pressed on the door.

"Fine," he agreed, opening the door just enough to let her in, and luckily both George and Ingrid were gone, because them being there would make what she was about to say ten times harder. She stepped in and found her way slowly over to George's bed while Fred sat himself down on his own. The silence was quite frankly, overbearing. The two of them hung their heads down, looking at their laps, Avalon's fingers were twiddling in her palms while his sat flat on each of his legs.

"What do you want Avalon?" he asked, breaking the horrible, and painful silence.

"We need to talk," she replied.

"I got that part," he snickered, but not jokingly, he seemed angry, passive aggressive.

"Listen, Avalon, if you're here to break up with me because of some pity feelings for Malfoy and his sorry little daddy issues then don't waste your time with some speech and just leave, alright?" he said bluntly. She was shocked, she wasn't sure what to do, she couldn't move, or even open her mouth to make any sort of sound.

"What did you expect, Lupin? You expected me to just go along with your feelings for him and let this go on, because shocker! That's not how bloody relationships work Ava," he spat out angrily.

"I-I know," she stuttered.

"So? What're you gonna do?" he asked impatiently. She stood up and made her way to the door with her head still down. She turned around to face him once more.

"I hope you know Avalon, once that door shuts behind you, this is over, that's it, no more second chances, no more pity parties, this is it," he stated. She nodded and stood, staring at him for just a few more seconds before he spoke once more.

"You're staring, Lupin," he said, his voice breaking through his tone, his eyes welling up, but her tears had started falling as soon as she stepped through his door.

"Am I?" she asked, cracking the smallest smile as tears fell down her skin and around the ground. He smiled back, but also a small one, neither of them could smile any more without breaking down entirely.

Then that was it, she backed up and peered once more towards him to see his head down in his hands, vocally crying, and she shut the door, it was no longer her place to comfort him.

As she left and shut the door behind her she could still hear his cries, at one point she heard him yelling her name, crying it as if he was hanging off of a cliff with only one hand and it took every ounce of self control she had left in her body not to turn back and take it all back, and comfort him, but she didn't.

The image of the girl he loved shattered as she walked out of the room, her body slouched and her soft cries still echoing from outside the door. His body fell, collapsed under his knees, as all hell broke loose. He yelled and cried at the top of his lungs, begging, hoping that it was all a dream, that he'd wake up, with her delicate body engulfed in his arms, her breathing echoing softly in his ears as she slept peacefully, but it wasn't a dream. She left, and she left for a man who wouldn't love her, not the way he did. He poured his heart and soul into her, she knew him inside and out, and she very well knew how this would hurt him, how it would make his whole life turn to shambles, but she walked out of that wretched door anyways. Leaving him alone, drunk in his own thoughts and screams. He pleaded, yelling her name, expecting her to walk through that door and wrap her fragile arms around him and never let go, but she didn't. Little did he know he'd be staying in his room for months, wondering where everything went wrong, blaming himself. He imagined the new boy's body wrapped around hers, their skin touching and their lips meeting ever so softly, his arms wrapped around his thin waist, pulling her in tightly. He imagined her sitting on his bed waiting for him to come out and reveal the outfit she so kindly picked out for him, the way he did for her, he imagined him yelling, screaming at her for something that wasn't her fault, something that could be taken care of easily but he turned violent, right before her very eyes he slapped her, leaving a red mark imprinted on her once beautiful skin, that the new boy would soon rupture. His perception of the girl he once loved was stained in his mind as the most brilliant girl he ever met, yet she still walked out of the door, shutting it behind her, leaving him forever. Avalon was his forever, he knew that, and deep down he knew that she knew as well, that they were meant to be, soulmates even and Fred had gone his whole life saying that soulmates weren't real, but when he first laid eyes on her, everything became brighter, his life became easier, and he became happier, no one else would have that effect on him, but clearly someone else had that effect on her, and that's what hurt him the most. The betrayal, the lies, the sadness, and disloyalty, all of it.

She walked back to her dorm, keeping her head down again, as she did on the way there, but this time it was worse, anyone who looked at her could've seen the tears fall to the ground whether she was covering her face or not, nothing would stop them from falling. She heard footsteps heading towards her but it only made her own speed up and run into her dorm quickly. What would she do now? She's officially lost everyone, the only benefit of that was the fact that she had no one else to lose anymore, she wouldn't have to suffer through this pain anymore after this because they're all gone now. She was alone.

So this is insanely short, but the breakup was the only plan I had for this chapter so there wasn't much more I could add to it, not going to lie, I did cry a little, a few tears were shed, but we'll just have to see what happens next right? And oh my lord, thank you so much for 17k that is absolutely insane, I could never be happier!

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