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Saturday went by rather slowly for Avalon, her excitement had taken over throughout the day causing her to look at a clock every chance she could. When it was finally time to sleep she found that her eyes could barely keep shut. She tossed and turned for hours before her body finally gave in and shut off, but not for very long. When she had managed to fall asleep it had already been in the wee hours of the morning, leaving her exhausted the next day but her jitters kept her eyes open. Her and Fred hadn't been on a real date since the first month of their relationship, which was quite some time ago. Sure they'd gone out shopping together, and they'd hung out alone but nothing official like tonight, where she'd have to doll up for him and they'd go out to a fancy restaurant together. She awoke, her eyes wide, bags of purple and yellow sitting on her skin beneath her glowing pupils. She sat up excitedly and turned over to Ingrid who was peacefully sleeping, a book laying open and face down strewn across her thigh. Apart of Avalon wanted to leave Ingrid sleeping delicately, let her stay in for a few hours before she was bombarded with the craziness of Avalon Lupin on the day of her date with Fred Weasley. But the other part of her, the part that was screaming in the pit of her stomach told her to jump over and shake her until she was awake, make her listen to her go on for hours on how excited she was. Avalon silently decided to find a compromise, she would wake up Ingrid now but not as aggressively as her anticipation was telling her to, and she wouldn't make her suffer by rambling on and on about Fred. Avalon stood from her creaky bed and tip toed the short distance to Ingrid's bed and grabbed the open book and shut it softly, placing it on the bedside table. She brought her hands to Ingrid's arms and shook softly, making Ingrid groan but not yet wake up. Avalon shook again, making her shift a little in her sleep but still not wake up. She shook one more time, making Ingrid turn over completely, almost knocking Avalon off of the bed and she glared tiredly at Avalon who had a wide smile plastered on her face.

"Ava, what time is it?' she asked grumpily. Avalon turned to the clock sitting beside the book she had just placed and it read nine forty two.

"Nine forty two," Avalon replied, the smile not leaving her face. The majority of her was excited for the date because she could spend a fancy night alone with Fred, spend some quality and meaningful time with him and she was looking forward to it. The other part of her, deep down, that she was trying so desperately to push away, was telling her that she's excited because this date will make it obvious whether she really wants Fred or not, or if she wants Draco instead. Though she wanted Draco to be out of the question completely, she couldn't seem to push him away, his face kept lurking, unwelcome, in the back of her mind.

"Avalon, the dates in eleven hours, we aren't getting ready for it now, therefore you don't need me," Ingrid said before turning quickly back over onto her other side and pulling the blankets over her shoulders.

"But I need someone to occupy me until then," Avalon whispered, treating Ingrid as if she was still asleep.

"Ask Neville," she groaned.

"Neville doesn't wake up until noon if he has the choice, and if you try to wake him up before then, he'll kick you," Avalon replied, earning yet another annoyed groan from Ingrid, muffled from her blankets.

"What about Fred?" she offered, just wanted Avalon to leave.

"We agreed we wouldn't see each other at all today until the date, makes it more suspenseful you know?"

"It's not your wedding you know that right?" Ingrid said, turning over onto her back and staring at the ceiling, avoiding eye contact from Avalon.

"Fine, but I get to plan what we do today, not you," said Ingrid reluctantly. Avalon smiled even wider, if it had even been possible and clapped before shooting off of Ingrid's bed.

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