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                                                                        WARNING : sexual content 

They walked out of the door together, their arms linked, steps synchronized. Avalon's smile was wide across her cheeks, the skin rosy from the excitement of the night before them. Fred stopped at the end of the corridor, making Avalon confusedly come to a halt and look up at him. He signaled his head downwards at the ground which made her switch her gaze to see a bouquet of flowers sitting undisturbed on the tile. She smiled and picked them up with her free hand and before she knew it she was in the streets of Hogsmeade, the wind brushing past her dress making her revealed skin form small goosebumps from the cold air. Her hands were still clutching the flowers tightly, one arm still linked with Fred's. She looked up at him and he looked down at her and smiled.

"Maybe warn me next time before I grab a portkey," she joked, making him giggle a bit beneath his breath.

"Got it," he laughed, and looked back ahead and walked, bringing Avalon with him. As she stepped she watched her shoes to make sure the stiletto heel wouldn't get stuck in the crevices of the cobblestone. Their hands were swaying, linked together in between their shivering bodies. As they walked Avalon noticed they passed the new restaurant, the banners hanging high above the building reading WE'RE OPEN! She looked at Fred, who was still walking with a tinge of confidence.

"Freddie, the restaurant was back there," Avalon said, interrupting the peaceful silence between them.

"I know," he replied, and kept walking, dismissing her comment. Once he had noticed her utter confusion he explained a bit more, but not enough to piece everything together.

"We have one stop to make before our reservation," he said mysteriously, Avalon's mind ached for answers. She was never one for surprises, they made her anxious but she knew he wouldn't give in no matter how hard she nagged, she also knew that Hogsmeade wasn't that big so that must be close to their stop anyways. Unsure of where she was heading, she focused her gaze now on the scenery before her instead of her shaking ankles, watching as they left the town, the buildings disappearing from their sight and the horizon coming closer. Fred sharply turns left, dragging Avalon as well, her body nervous and scared. They walked a bit further before encountering a field, a field of beautiful flowers, lit by candles hanging from tree branches. She recognized it, the scenery but was sure she'd never been. She dismissed the deja vu and walked behind Fred who was walking with a faster pace in his step now, closer to where most of the light was until she reached a plaid blanket laying firmly in the grass, held down by large rocks on each of the corners.

"Fred, what is this?" Avalon questioned as he sat himself down on the blanket and she soon followed.

"This is our stop. Listen, tonight is a night without magic, it's a night with just us and the universe and no one else, I may have made a few arrangements so our food will be delivered here," Fred explained with a smile printed on his face.

"Freddie this is perfect," Avalon admitted, taking in the scenery, the flowers were fully bloomed, the sun had set but the candles lit the area, the blankets were big and soft and pillows were decorating the platform.

"Good, I'm glad,"

"I recognize this place though, but I'm sure I've never been here," Avalon admits, scanning the area intensely trying to figure out where the hell she'd seen it.

"I just discovered this area myself, I can't imagine you've been here," Fred replies, resting his elbows on one of the longer pillows and stretching his legs out across the blanket. Avalon nodded, still confused as to where or when she'd been here but dismissed it and looked over to Fred.

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