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Avalon awoke to her alarm blaring in her ears, she shifted slightly to turn in off, keeping her eyes shut but it turned off before she could even reach for it. She lifted her body up slowly, letting out a groan and fluttered her eyes open to see Fred laying next to her. The blanket was wrapped around his torso and his arms tugged it slightly as Avalon watched him. Though most of his body was concealed, the top of his back was still out, his shoulder blades flexed as he curled up trying to gain warmth. Avalon admired him, her eyes following every detail of him, from the top of his head to his hands gripping the sheets tightly.

"What are you staring at?" he groans, not even opening his eyes. Avalon snapped out of her thoughts, rather startled and looked back down at him and laughed.

"Get up Freddie, we have to get ready," Avalon cooed, slightly pushing his shoulder. He groaned again, but this time louder and more resistant to actually getting out of bed.

"Fine, then you'll be the one late for Snape's class," Avalon shrugged and pulled one of the sheets off of the bed, wrapping it around her nude body as she stood up. Fred slowly brought himself up, finally opening his eyes and looking Avalon up and down.

"How do you manage to still look stunning in a bed sheet?" he asked, sitting up resting his back against the headboard. Avalon laughed and turned towards her closet to grab undergarments and her outfit. She paused and looked over at Fred, looking town at his fidgeting hands.

"Hey freddie what time is it?" she asked. Fred turned to face the clock and looked back at Avalon with an angry look on his face.

"It's seven thirty, why in Merlin's name would you set an alarm so early!" he asked angrily as he laid back down and rolled over.

"Well, since I know I have time to shower, I'm going to go do that, but I guess sleepyhead won't be joining me today, what a shame," Avalon teased, Fred shot up and smiled at Avalon hopping out of the bed and wrapped the blanket around his waist, sitting dangerously low.

"I beg your pardon, sleepyhead will be joining you today," He corrected as he placed a kiss on the top of Avalon's head and headed towards the bathroom to turn the shower on. Avalon scoffed, knowing that it would've gotten him up and walked into the bathroom.

The two were drying their hair in front of the mirror, Fred's towel wrapped around his waist, and Avalon's, right below her shoulders. She put the towel in her hair, down on the sink and grabbed her brush and started combing it through her hair, gritting her teeth every time she hit a knot.

"Here, let me," Fred offered, holding his hand out. Avalon places the brush in his palm and he walks behind her and starts brushing her hair, from the bottom up, the perfect way to do it to avoid as many knots as possible. He looked up in the mirror as he continued brushing and Avalon looked up as well, their eyes meeting in the reflection. He smiled sweetly at her as he placed the brush down onto the sink and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"All done my love," he said in her ear as he turned away and got dressed in the room.

"I'm impressed," Avalon yelled so he could hear her, as she ruffled through her hair a bit.

"Avalon, I was Ginny's best friend when she was little, she begged me everyday to do her hair for her, I know how to French braid, put up a ponytail or a bun, and I know how to brush hair, it's pretty simple really," Fred explained as Avalon stepped through the door leaning against the frame.

"You never fail to amaze me Weasley," Avalon said, walking to her open closet.

"Oh, I already picked an outfit out, I thought it would look good on you," Fred said, with a smile plastered on his face. Avalon turned to him, raising an eyebrow and looking down on the bed. Laying on the unmade blankets, and stained sheets was, a white turtleneck, with a black t-shirt laid over it, that said "Wuthering Heights" (Avalon's favorite book) in red print, and a pair of dark blue ripped skinny jeans. She looked up at him, to see he had an anxious expression and he was fidgeting his fingers.

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