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It's the next morning and Yeosang wakes up earlier than usual and goes to the bathroom. He realizes his eyes were puffy.

"Oh god this is bad. Why did I have to cry so much... it's a good thing I woke up early."

He grabs his face cream and puts it on his face. He then grabs his eye roller to reduce the puffiness from his eyes.

"That looks a little better. Hopefully no one notices."

He does his usual morning routine and leaves his house earlier than usual.

"I don't wanna face my mom right now. Best to leave when she's still asleep."

He leaves his house and starts walking to school.

"I'm supposed to have fun today, it's the sports day, cheer up and don't screw things up." He starts talking to himself.

He finally reaches the school and sees a few students that are also early.

"Look there's Yeosang."

"Look how handsome he looks in his uniform."

"If only I could confess my feelings to him."

He hears people talking about him.

"It's still early and there's already people talking about me... weird." He thought to himself.

-Time Skip and School Starts-

Everyone was in their classes and the school was more louder than usual.

"Let's win all the events!"

"We got this!"

"We have a nice uniform!"

"Everyone please head outside on the field for the sports day to begin. We will first start with the soccer match so good luck." The principal says on the loud speakers.

Everyone cheers and head outside.

The first match is Yeosang's class against another class.

Jongho, Yunho and Yeosang were on the field while Wooyoung, Mingi, and San were cheering for them on the bench.

Meanwhile Seonghwa and Hongjoong were watching from a distance.

"I hope he's okay." Seonghwa thought to himself.

He looks at Yeosang and makes eye contact with him.

"I love you." He mouths and gives him a finger heart.

Yeosang smiles and gives him a thumbs up.

"You guys must really like each other." Hongjoong says.

"What? Oh um yeah we do." Seonghwa nervously replies.

"So you guys are dating?"

"...yes..." Seonghwa felt very awkward talking about it with Hongjoong.

"Good job, I'm happy for you." Hongjoong smiles at him.

"Thank you." Is all Seonghwa could say.

They hear the whistle tweet and the soccer match has begun.

Jongho takes the soccer ball and makes a goal from far away.

All the players kept passing it to him and he kept scoring goal after goal.

Their class kept cheering for them.

"You guys can easily win this!"

Suddenly someone passes the ball to Yeosang but the competitors were getting frustrated that they were losing.

Love's A Mess | seongsangWhere stories live. Discover now