*Karl and Hannah frantically looking around for some people with the help of Austin and Meeko*
Karl: Okay so where the hell are they?
Hannah: How should I know? You're the one who thought of this!
Karl: Oh so you're saying it was my fault now?!
Meeko: Oh my god you two. I know you both love my sister but atleast cooperation for her+
Austin: Um....everyone. Please don't shout. Mama might hear you all.
Mika: **Comes in** I might hear what?
Meeko,Karl, and Hannah: Uh......
Austin: It's nothing Mama. Can you help me bake some cake please? :3
Mika: Awwww. Anything for you Austin.
Austin: Yay! Can you carry me please? 🥺
Mika: (Ahhhhh! Too kawaii!! 😩) Of course dear. **Carries Austin** Now let's get onto baking the cake. **Goes to the kitchen**
Austin: **Gives a thumbs up to the three**
Meeko,Karl, and Hannah: (Austin, you are a lifesaver)
*30 minutes later*
Mika: **Adds the final touch to the cake** And that's how you make our special cake dear. My aunt made a new secret recipe that only our family knows. I trust that you won't tell anyone our secret ingredient.
Austin: Yes Mama.
Mika: Good. Now let me find what Meeko, Karl, and Hannah are up to. You stay here and guard the cake. Someone could try to taste it so don't let ANYONE touch it.
Austin: Yes mama!
Mika: **Pats Austin's head and goes to the living room to see Meeko doing something** What are you doing big bro?
Meeko: **Startled abit** O-oh. H-hi Sis. D-didn't see you there. Hehe....
Mika: Okay....Have you seen Karl and Hannah?
Meeko: Well....uh....
Karl and Hannah: **Bursts through the room with a big bag that's shaking** We're here!
Mika: Uh....what happened to you guys and what's in the bag...?
Hannah: Well.....let's just show you what's in here.
Karl: Yup.
*Both of them open the bag and two people came out of it*
???: Where the hell are we and why are we here?!
???: This very.....interesting....
Mika: .... **Stares at Meeko,Karl, and Hannah** Did you guys seriously went to another anime dimension to get these two.....
Meeko: Yes.
Karl: Definitely.
Hannah: Absolutely.
*The two figures bings out their blades*
Hannah: Woah woah woah! Put your blades down! We are not enemies. We are not here to hurt you...
Karl: And about where you are, you're in a house and why you're here, you guys are birthday presents.
???: Birthday what?
???: Such idiotic nonsense....
Mika:So your telling me that you two went to another anime dimension, kidnapped these two here, for a birthday present?
Meeko: **Points to Karl and Hannah** These two wanted to.
Karl: We thought that it might be a good opportunity to give you some new photos of this ship.
Both of the figures: (The hell are they even talking about....)
Mika: Okay. I do ship these two but I'm only taking 5 photos since these guys were obviously busy killing.
*1 hour later*
Mika: And that's 69 photos.
Meeko: And here you said you'd take 5 pictures.
Mika: It was too kawaii okay? Now take them back to the AOT dimension. Their friends are probably fighting hell by now.
Karl and Hannah: Got it. **Drags the two figures to the portal room cuz how the hell could anyone travel thought dimension and shit–**
???: I can walk you know!
???: Loud brat....
Austin: **Hugs Mika** Happy Birthday Mama :3
Mika: Thanks Dear.
Karl: **Comes back with Hannah** And their back to their world.
Hannah: So how was the birthday present?
Mika: It was great. **Kisses both of them on the cheek** That's my thank you gift. Now let's have some cake. **Picks up Austin and goes to the kitchen**
Karl: **Blushing and rubs where Mika kissed his cheek** Cute....
Hannah: **Giggling abit** Looks like my idea worked.
Karl: Like it was your idea.
Hannah: I really want to insult you right now but be glad that today's Sunshine's birthday and we promised her we wouldn't argue on her birthday.
Mika: Are you guys getting cake or not?!
Karl and Hannah: Coming! **Goes to the kitchen**
~ Meeko: My sister really is so lucky....
P.s: Y'all can guess who were those peeps. But I think it's kinda easy xD

Random Mlbb,Mha/Bnha,and Ds/Kny
CasualeI changed meh cover, title, and now the description. Well this is kinda cool and awesome :3 Ok enjoy ze book meh proud of ÙwÚ