Vienny:Lily is out with Karl to get some stuff and Meeko was taking care of Austin and Meeko lost him. This is what he did when he was looking for him.
Meeko:Austin! Where are you lil' dude?! Uncle Meeko wants to go home and get dru-go to sleep.
*In the park*
Meeko:Has anyone seen my Nephew?!
*Accidentally in a funeral*
Meeko:Oh god....
*In the jungle*
Meeko:Austin! That parent's adrenaline is kicking in! *Kicks a tiger* AUSTIN!
*At the park*
Meeko:I can see every equation. *Sees a lady and goes to her*
Meeko:Excuse me ma'am. Have you seen my nephew? He's this tall,clearly gay,but we haven't had to talk.
*At an alleyway*
Meeko:Austin,are you in there?*Looks inside the dumpster only to fall in*
*Back home to take a shower*
Meeko:*Sees coffee on the table* Oh look my luck's beginning to turn. *Drinks it and spits it out* Bleh! Who the fu** puts soy in their coffee!?!?
Alucard:*At the distance* Rude....
Meeko:*Sees Alucard and goes to him* Do you know where my nephew is?
Meeko:GODDAMN IT! *Kicks Alucard in the balls*
Alucard:Ohhh....*Holding his sore spot*
*On the balcony*
*In the living room*
Meeko:I'll let you do drugs!
Giyutan:*At the distance* "What kind of uncle lets a 10 year old do drugs?"
*In the backyard*
Meeko:Austin!!! *Sits on the chair* I'm gonna have a stroke. qwq
Kyle:"How can someone so hot be so weird?"
*At the park*
*Back home*
Harith:Sure. I can go next week for your grandma's funeral Harley. *Hangs up*
Meeko:*Breaks the front door* A**hole! Tell me where my nephew is or I'll suck you're goddamn di**!!!
Harith:Ok. First of all ew,second I have a name,and third try to retrace your steps-
Meeko:RETRACE THIS!!! *Throws the living room table*
Harith:Ahh! *Gets hit*
Meeko:*Screaming in anger and messes everything up in the living room*
Harith:*Get off of the table* Meeko you shouldn't- *Get hit in the head by a vase*
*Few hours later*
Lily and Karl:*Comes in to find a sad Meeko,a ruined living room,and an unconscious leonin*
Karl:*Sighs* Got the cookies?
Lily:Yup. *Takes a deep breath* AUSTIN YOUR COOKIES ARE HERE!!!
Austin:*Pops out of his hiding spot* COOKIES!!! *Flies to Lily,get cookies,and eats one* Yummers.... -w-
Lily:Meeko you're cleaning up the mess you made and you're not taking care of Austin next time. Now start cleaning.*Claps her hands and the cleaning supplies appear next to Meeko*
Meeko: qwq Dang it....
Harley:Guys I'm ba-*Sees everything and the now oncious leonin*HARITH! What the hell happened here?!?! *Goes to him*
~Harith:Meeko nearly killing me.....

Random Mlbb,Mha/Bnha,and Ds/Kny
RandomI changed meh cover, title, and now the description. Well this is kinda cool and awesome :3 Ok enjoy ze book meh proud of ÙwÚ