Lily:Another one! Yay!
Tanjiro:Another what exactly?
Giyu:What's a meme?
Harith:Oh boy...
Harley:What's the meme about?
Lily:I'll show a sneak peek. And some of them might know this.
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. I think everyone can guess the meme.
Harith:Oh my gosh who is it?
Lily:One of Ashe's characters~
Tanjiro:Ok. I'm just going to buy some food now.
Giyu:I'll give company while going to buy them and help you.
Tanjiro:Thank you Giyu-san.
*Both walk to the door*
Lily:I'm going to follow them and call Magic to come with me to stalk them now. Bye! *Turns into her pup form and flys near them*
Harley:Now can I pet your tail?
Harith:*Hissing while holding his tail*

Random Mlbb,Mha/Bnha,and Ds/Kny
De TodoI changed meh cover, title, and now the description. Well this is kinda cool and awesome :3 Ok enjoy ze book meh proud of ÙwÚ